On Angel Wings

Real Life Angels
Real-life angels build bridges instead of walls. They tend to be the only ones who understand what you are going through. If they sense you are troubled, they do what they can to help.

Real-life angels give the benefit of a doubt, they are what "inner beauty" is all about. They don't hold things against you, they hold you. They walk beside you and support when you need it.

Real-life angels make you smile and make you feel like you matter. If you have come across an angel like this.... then you are one of the luckiest people in the world.

Fountain Angel

The authors of these poems have graciously given me permission to share them with you. After each author's name is their E-mail address..let them know how much you enjoyed their poetry...show them your appreciation, that is an angel characteristic.

Guardian Angel
by Robert S Breaux tunie@cmq.com

Guardian angel you are God's gift to me
With your help one day his face I will see.
He created you not to walk this earth
But to guide me through to my rebirth.
In being born again I will come to understand
That I too am a part of God's divine plan.
In his will I will learn to live and reside
Thankful that you are always at my side...

Angels Watching Over You & I
by Charolette Eiland ceiland@preferred.com

Angel wings lifting high,
taking prayer to God for you and I.
Whispers of rustling around the throne.
angel thoughts how they've grown.
Always eager to protect and guard,
Watching over us like children, in the yard.

Angel voices soft and sweet,
Cast each prayer at our Savior's feet.
Is that a brush of an Angel's wing I feel?
While in prayer I reverently kneel.
Hovering right by my side,
Bringing God instructions, to gently guide.

These heavenly beings full of light,
Truly miracles in flight.
Angels, angels all around,
From here to heaven they abound.
Sit quietly and listen for them to speak
If it is wisdom you truly seek.

Once again I kneel and pray,
for friends and loved one in need today.
Angels to heaven quickly fly,
Watching over you and I.

Wings of Light
by Lisa A. Datzmanspm@in.net

Angels above me,
guardians of my soul,
protect, guide, and assist me,
so that I may grow.

Archangel Michael on my right,
Gabriel on my left,
Rafael in front of me,
Auriel at my back,

Mother Earth beneath my feet,
Christ Light from above,
enfold me in your wings of light,
fill me with your love.

by F.P.A. fay@sickkids.on.ca

Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder,
the keepers of magic and dreams.
Whenever there is love, an angel is flying by.
Your guardian angel knows you inside and out and loves you just the way you are.

Angels keep it simple and always travel light.
Remember to keep space in your relationships
so the angels have room to play.
Your guardian angel helps you find a place
when you feel there is no place to go.

Whenever you feel lonely, a special angel drops in for tea.
Angels are with you every step of the way
and help you soar with amazing grace.
After all, we are angels in training;
all we have to do is spread our wings and fly.

Angel Light
by Debbie Munger maneaks@pacbell.net

Although I may not see them,
I am always in their sight.
They bring the gift of love and guidance,
I call my "Angel Light".

I know they always hear me,
to them my voice is dear.
With the comfort that they bring to me,
I need not ever fear.

So here's a place for us to come,
to do together what must be done.
To make our world whole and bright,
and share with all, the "Angel Light".

An Angel Whisper
by Paul Dammann wpd@gate.net

Angels are ever all around us
And with His love they do surround us.
When my heart is sore in need
The Angels come, my soul to feed.
They come to me from up above
and sing in whispers of His Love.
When in my heart I feel a tug
I know that it's an Angels' hug.

More On Angel Wings - Pages 2

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