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The Cherokee National Seal |
Copywrited © and Permission granted by |
John Guthrie |
I climb the highest mountain, to stand in awe and pray, to seek the Holy wisdom that guides our weary way. I raised my hands, though empty, to Him who made all things, what could I hope to offer, I, least of human beings. "Oh GREAT SPIRIT," I cried, with small and feeble words, "Where are the deer and buffalo, which roamed in mighty herds.
Why are my people sad, and alone they seem to be, with heavy hearts and tear filled eyes as only You can see?" "Where are the chiefs, the council fires, the things we hold so dear, and who are the ones to lead us", I asked in awesome fear. What did we do, how did we speak, how did we err this way, and who is to blame for the trail of tears, we all have walked this day?"
I lowered my hands and bowed my head, my prayer was at an end, then a voice of thundering majesty was heard upon the wind. This vision made me tremble, and filled my heart with fear, the Voice of Many Waters spoke, sweet, plain and clear.
"My son, I AM He you seek; the one who made all things, The ONE who made the forest; and all the human beings. I made the towering mountains, the deserts and the seas; I made the deer and buffalo, and even little bees. I've heard your voice, your heart felt plea; I've seen your upraised hands, and I've heard the voice of many sons, of different tribes and bands".
"I give you now the reason for all your woes and fears, and why my sons and daughters have walked their trail of tears; I sent you Truth and Beauty, with wisdom from above; I gave you great abundance, with all My boundless love.
Your fathers had soon forgotten, my wisdom and my way; they took to greed and fighting, my words they disobeyed. Their sons and daughters also, learned after many years, distrust, war, and hatred, they learned to live in fear.
Then strangers came to this fair land, with wisdom from above, but after many winter snows, they too had lost their love. My son this is the reason for all your fears and woes; for all your pain and misery; and, for your many foes.
Hear well my good instruction, My wisdom from above, turn from your selfish hatred, and fill your hearts with love. The voice of GOD had spoken, HIS words were straight and true; the task was set before me to change my heart anew.
I now descend the mountain, a new and different man, to tell this
vision story, to every tribe and band. Let peace come into each mans
heart, with wisdom from above, to guide us to our final place, filled
with eternal love.
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