The whole family got new bikes, except for me because I'm not big enough to ride by myself yet. But Daddy got a seat for me so I can ride on his bike. We go for bike rides in the evening and I love it when Daddy rides FAST! I can climb the ladder for the slide and I love to swing on the big kid swingset. I turned three in May and aged out of the first steps program but I get to start a special preschool this fall. Casey is a little jealous because I get to go to school on the schoolbus. Mommy cut all my long hair off this summer because she says I suck on my hair too much. I went on my first amusement park visit in June to Holiday World. At first I was a little nervous but soon I was riding all the rides by myself. With the exception of falling on the asphalt and scraping up my teeth I had a great time. I had to go to the dentist for the first time to have my front teeth checked out and I had my first tooth cleaning. I don't care for the dentist too much but I like getting a toy when I'm done. |
TOYS | My baby dolls, purse and stroller! I like to push my babies in their stroller and be a good "mommy." |
TV SHOWS/MOVIE | Teletubbies, Blue's Clues, and Sesame Street (Elmo is my favorite character)! |
ACTIVITIES | Smelling flowers, kissing Myreah, playing in the sandbox, harassing my brother, playing with Oscar, and eating! |
I like everything (notice the previous activity). Mommy and Daddy call me "Mouth of the South" because I come running anytime I see someone eating. I really like hot dogs, mashed potatoes, and M&Ms! |
Maggie was due to arrive August 24, 1999! Due to complications she arrived quite a bit early. To read her birth story and the circumstances leading to her early birth, click HERE! |