Casey Michael Grapperhaus

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Born August 14, 1997 at 1:33 a.m.
8 lbs 2 1/2 oz
20 1/4 inches
Hi! If you want to read the story my mommy wrote about my birth, click here!

What I've Been Up To Lately

In September of 2001 I started playing soccer at the YMCA. This year I tried basketball and t-ball. I also played soccer again but I think I enjoy t-ball and basketball the most. I have a new bike and I like to go riding with Mommy, Daddy and Maggie. I have lots of new friends from preschool. In August I will be 5 years old but it will be too late for kindergarten this year. Every night I like to go out and catch lightning bugs!


TOYS Trains, baseball bat & tee, soccer ball, golf clubs, ball pit, crayons & paints, balls, cars and playdough.
TV SHOWS/MOVIE Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, Scooby Doo, Thomas the Tank Engine, Franklin, Little Bear, Flubber, and anything on Nick, Jr. 
ACTIVITIES Playing soccer, painting, coloring, swimming, playing baseball with Dad, riding my bike and taking walks, catching lightning bugs, and going to stamp camp with Mom. 
Eggs, hot dogs, pizza, "sloppy joes in my hamburger", spaghetti, salmon, and yogurt.
I HATE butter and "tires" (black olives).

Updated July 3, 2002!