Before I tell you about the day that Matthew died, let me tell you about the little boy that I loved with all of my heart and being! The little boy that could make your heart swell with pride and joy and one that could test you to the end of patience!
Yes, Matthew was a good boy but he was a boy as well! He had his moments of wanting things his way and when he didn't get it....he could stomp his feet with the best of them! He would pick at his sisters, refuse to go to bed on time and hated taking baths. Then you had the sensitive side that went beyond
his 7 years. He never would hit another child even if they were mean to him. Now I know this isn't what a parent is supposed to say but I told him one day to hit back, not to let others push him around. His reply to me was, "Jesus wouldn't want me to be mean." Matthew was my strength, he could make me smile and laugh when I was sad, he gave me hugs and kisses that made everything else just not matter anymore. The last movie we saw together was "Liar, Liar" and the part in the movie that made Matthew sad was a part that Jim Carey was being hurt. I remember Matthew looking at me and saying "That part made my eyes water." In ways, I think that Matthew was too good for this Earth and that is why Jesus called him home early.
Matthew loved climbing trees, riding bikes, playing with his sisters, reading, and last but not least, going to Church. He told me once that if school was as much fun as Sunday School, he wouldn't mind going half as much! Matthew never complained about going to school though, he would get right up and be ready way before his sisters ever got to moving! His favorite foods were Ramen Noodles (chicken flavored), pizza, biscuits and gravy, Happy Meals from McDonald's!! He also loved to eat Cheese! The first sentence out of his mouth in the mornings was "I'm hungry"!! He loved spending time with his Mammaw as well. He liked getting her coffee and bringing it to her. Matthew talked
about being a Fireman or either building Airplanes like his Dad. More than anything Matthew loved being outside. I pray that Heaven has lots of trees and open fields for Matthew to play in!
Matthew, I miss and love you so very much!!!!