Descendants of Edward Harris
posted 27 Apr 2000
by Sue Burns Moore

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Generation No. 1

1.  EDWARD1 HARRIS was born Abt. 1620 in Ayrshire, Scotland, and died December 05, 1673 in Raphoe, Donegal Co. Ireland.  He married FLORA DOUGLAS Abt. 1655 in Ireland, daughter of WILLIAM DOUGLAS.  She was born 1622 in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and died 1667 in Raphoe, Donegal Co. Ireland.

From J. Montgomery Seaver's book, Harris Family Records, pub. by the American Historical-Genealogical Society, Philadelphia, 1929.

According to J. Montgomery Seaver, the Harris family is among the forty-nine "best families" selected by the American Historical-Genealogical Society.  The surname is of Welch derivation and means "son of Harry."  Harry comes from the Anglo-Saxon word "harra" which meant "lord and master". Many ancient forms of the name exist.  Only in modern times were kings named Henry  called other than "Harry."


                        (Tune: "Battle Hymn of the Republic")

       There's something strong and mighty in a good old family name;
       The name of Harris shineth high upon the scroll of fame;
       For nearly all the Harrises pursue a lofty aim.
       The clan goes marching on!

                   Chorus: Glory to the sons of Harry,
                           Virile, worthy, brave and loyall
                           Yes, "pa-triam re-??-ni-sci!"
                           The clan goes marching on!

       Ivo Fitz He-ri-ce was the father of our clan;
       Posterity of Edward, John and Samuel never ran;
       Tom' and James were virile, Robert was a sturdy man.
       The clan goes marching on!

       James and Henry were the faithful servants of the Crown;
       Thad' was secretary to a statesman of renown;
       John Harris was the founder of a Pennsylvania town.
       The clan goes marching on!

       Herbert was a hostage for King James in twenty-three;
       Captain Thomas saved the lives of many men at sea;
       Every Harris can be proud of Harris pedigree.
       The clan goes marching on!

       Our Saxon family cherishes traditions of the past;
       With the world's great movements they have all their fortunes cast;
       They are "lords and masters" and are loyal to the last.
       The clan goes marching on!

       The Harris Clan is mighty--nearly half a million strong;
       In seventy-six, a thousand kinsmen fought to right a wrong;
       Forty towns bear Harris names. Sure, let us sing that song--
       The clan goes marching on!

       When danger threatened country or a battle to be won;
       Or righteous causes need defenders or work to be done;
       Brave Harrises were there, and never did a Harris run.
       The clan goes marching on!

       The Harris sons have courage any task or foe to face;
       The Harris girls are lovely with their beauty, charm and grace;
       The Harris leaven is a blessing to the human race.
       The clan goes marching on!

Included in our direct Harris line ( the ancestors of Edward Harris who married Flora Douglas) are an amazing array of emperors, kings, queens, and nobility, such as Robert the Bruce of Scotland, William the Conqueror, and Charlemagne.
Because inheritance was based upon lineage, many of these lines themselves go back many centuries virtually touching every royal line in existence at the time.
I have chosen to limit the descendants for this forum since they are so numerous, andI will follow only our direct line.  The generations preceeding Samuel Harris, born in 1775, were graciously provided to me by James E. Hargraves, a member of the Harris family,and an excellent researcher. His ancestor Nicholas was a brother to our Samuel. He also assisted me in doing the census work on Samuel and his descendants. Researching a family tree is not an exact science, but we have done our best to provide as true an account
as possible.

Sue Burns Moore

2. i. ROBERT2 HARRIS, b. 1660, Raphoe, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. 1727, Aboard ship on the way to America.
 ii. JAMES HARRIS, b. 1662, Raphoe, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. 1730, Lancaster Co. PA.
 iii. EDWARD HARRIS, b. Abt. 1665, Raphoe, Donegal Co. Ireland.

Generation No. 2

2.  ROBERT2 HARRIS (EDWARD1) was born 1660 in Raphoe, Donegal Co. Ireland, and died 1727 in Aboard ship on the way to America.  He married DOROTHY WILEY Abt. 1695 in Ireland.  She was born Abt. 1670 in Donegal, Ireland, and died 1715 in Ireland.

 i. JOHN3 HARRIS, b. Abt. 1697, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. February 1794, Blount Co. TN.
 ii. WILLIAM HARRIS, b. Abt. 1699, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. Abt. 1750, Cecil  Co., Maryland.
3. iii. JAMES HARRIS, b. Abt. 1701, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. January 17, 1778, Cabarrus Co. NC.
 iv. MARGARET HARRIS, b. Abt. 1703, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. Abt. 1737, Lancaster Co. PA.
 v. THOMAS HARRIS, b. Abt. 1705, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. 1776, Mecklenburg Co. NC.
 vi. CHARLES HARRIS, b. Abt. 1707, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. 1777, Mecklenburg Co. NC.
 vii. SAMUEL HARRIS, b. Abt. 1711, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. March 10, 1789, Greene Co. GA.
 viii. ROBERT HARRIS, b. Abt. 1714, Donegal Co. Ireland; d. July 23, 1798, Cabarrus Co. NC.

Generation No. 3

3.  JAMES3 HARRIS (ROBERT2, EDWARD1) was born Abt. 1701 in Donegal Co. Ireland, and died January 17, 1778 in Cabarrus Co. NC.  He married MARY MCILHENNY Abt. 1729 in Donegal, Lancaster Co., PA.  She was born Abt. 1709 in Ireland, and died 1796 in Cabarrus Co. NC.

Mecklenburg County Wills (North Carolina)
Will Book C, Pages 136-137 C.R. 065.801.17
Will of James my dear wife four half Johannas in gold and L40
Proclamation money, her bed and bed clothes; during her life, the plantation
where I now live, negro Lewis, etc.; to my daughter Jennets' son Baptist, one
bed; remainder  sold and equally divided among all my children; to my son
Robert, all my wearing apparel; to my daughter Jennet, L15, spinning wheel,
also L100to be put to interest to be paid to her annually as long as she
lives and at her decease, the said L100 to be equally divided amongst all my
children; to my daughter Mary, L15, spinning wheel, etc., likewise L100 as
above; also L100 to be put to interest for my daughter Jennetts' son Baptist;
all my children viz Robert, Samuel, Jennett, John, James, Elizabeth, William
and Mary.....sons Samuel, John and Charles Harrises son Robert, guardians for
my daughters Jennett and Mary and Jennetts' son Baptist. 14 October 1778.
James Harris (seal) Witnesses: Samuel Gingles, Adley Gingles, Jurat, Margaret

"You will notice that Nicholas Harris is not mentioned in this will or any
record in the County of Mecklenburg, and he may have been disowned or
received his land prior to 1765 in lieu of his future inheritance. There is
no other explanation that I can think of for the fact that prior to 1765,
Nicholas and Robert Harris are living on the land surveyed and granted to
James Harris in 1751, at Fairforest Creek and Harris Creek and there is no
record of how they acquired the land.

Although Mary Harris outlived her husband James Harris, I have been unable to
find a will of her making. I think Charles Harrises son Robert is the one who
married Margaret Harper and that the close relationship between James and his
nephew Robert is why this Robert was thought to be the son of James, when is
reality, his son Robert was in South Carolina. James and Charles Harris were
close because they married the sisters McIllhenney."  JEH

4. i. ROBERT4 HARRIS, b. Bet. 1731 - 1740, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. July 1809, Union Co. SC.
 ii. SAMUEL HARRIS, b. 1733, Donegal,Lancaster Co. PA; d. October 05, 1796, NC; m. (1) REBECCA MORRISON, 1758, NC; m. (2) MARY DIXON, 1786, Mecklenburg Co. NC.
 iii. JOHN HARRIS, b. 1734, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. 1782; m. UNKNOWN, 1754.
 iv. JENNETT HARRIS, b. Abt. 1736, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. Aft. 1778.
 v. JAMES HARRIS, b. 1737, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. Aft. 1778.
 vi. WILLIAM HARRIS, b. 1739, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. Aft. 1778; m. UNKNOWN, Aft. 1759.
 vii. NICHOLAS HARRIS, b. Abt. 1740, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. Bet. January - June 1829, Union Co. SC.
 viii. ELIZABETH HARRIS, b. 1742, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. Aft. 1804, Sumner Co. TN.
 ix. MARY HARRIS, b. 1743, Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA; d. Aft. 1778; m. ? ALEXANDER.

Generation No. 4

4.  ROBERT4 HARRIS (JAMES3, ROBERT2, EDWARD1) was born Bet. 1731 - 1740 in Donegal, Lancaster Co. PA, and died July 1809 in Union Co. SC.  He married (1) SUSANNAH ?.    He married (2) PRUDENCE Aft. 1800.

From Harris researcher JEH:

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1763 -1779
29 December 1767,  Robert Harris of Mecklenburg, to William Sharp of same. for on Harrises Creek of Fairforest, Adjacent, John Parks, Bullocks, 250 acres granted 6 Oct. 1767......Robert Harris (seal), Susannah Harris (seal), Witness: James McElwain, James Mays.  Proven January Term 1768
"At this time period part of South Carolina that became Union County was considered to be a part of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.  The transaction took place in the Fairforest area, and McElwain and Mays are known neighbors of Robert and Susannah Harris.  There are many other documents and land deeds that place him at Fairforest Creek and Harris Creek from 1765 to 1809.  I can assure you that this is not the Robert Harris who married Margaret Harper, but I am also certain that he is the son of James Harris and Mary McIlhenny, and also that this Robert Harris is very likely the father of your Samuel Harris.

It is well documented that Robert Harris and Margaret Harper lived and died in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina and never lived in South Carolina.  The old, original work of Isaac L. Harris completed in 1938 is an excellent work for the time period, but seems to contain a few errors.  My records do not agree with the old research  from the 1930's which has Robert Harris as the son of Samuel Harris and Margaret Laird....  Robert is very closely connected to James Harris, Samuel's brother, and there is no evidence that Samuel and Martha were Robert's parents.  Robert does appear in the will of James Harris.  "

He also believes that Susannah was a Starling based on the fact that one of their sons had Starling as a middle name, and that  Starling families lived in Mecklenburg and Union counties. It is also possible that Robert had a second wife named  Anderson , and that Prudence was a very late third wife, possibly after 1800, based upon circumstantial evidence. "Robert Harris died in 1809.  You will note from Robert's will that Prudence does not really participate in the legacy except for a few personal belongings.  After Robert's death, Prudence moved to York County, South Carolina, and in her will does not mention any of the children of Robert Harris, only a son by a previous marriage.  Based on these two wills, I do not believe her to be the mother of any of Robert's children.  Robert's first wife was Susannah (probably Starling) , and I believe her to be the mother of all his children."

Union County Will Book A (South Carolina)
Page 142-144. Will of Robert Harris of Union District..... To my wife
Prudence, one chest, one trunk, large pot, etc; my son Moses shall have 100
acres of my land on which I now live on Harris Creek and Mill Creek adjacent
Edsons' land; my son Ephraim shall have 100 acres of land adjacent aforesaid
land to Moses; to my daughter Susannah, one cow now in her possesion; amount
arising from sale of my lands and moveables be divided amongst my four
children, Robert Anderson, Samuel Harris, John Starling and Susannah and
grandchildren Washington Harris, Hugh M. Harris, Hugh Donaldson and Sidney
Donaldson in such a manner that my own children have double as much as my
grandchildren; Ephraim Harris and Richard Thomson, executors, 1 April 1807.
Robert Harris (LS), Witnesses: Daniel Gray, John McDowell, William Thomson.
Proved by John McDowell, 2 August 1809.

York County Wills (South Carolina)
Book 2, page 470
Will of Prudence due me from my son Major T. my
great grand daughter Harriett West, all my wearing apparel.....unto my great
grand daughter Prudence West, my bed and furniture together with all my
household stuff.....If there should be any more money due me from my son
M.T.Hall.....I allow it to be equally divided between my son M.T. Hall,
Harriett West and John R. Hall....April 8th 1835. Testimonials: Richard
Gillespie, John McIlwain, A. Giles. Prudence X Harris (LS). Probated
September 4, 1839. Will book 2, Page 470, Case Number 23, File Number 361.

Notes for SUSANNAH ?:
 Susannah was possibly a  Starling since she named one of her sons John Starling Harris.  Starlings lived in the Union-Mecklenburg area.

Children of ROBERT HARRIS and SUSANNAH ? are:
 i. EPHRAIM5 HARRIS, b. Bet. 1758 - 1765.
 ii. MARK HARRIS, b. Bet. 1759 - 1774; d. 1801, Union Co. SC; m. ELIZABETH MEANS.
 iii. UNKNOWN HARRIS, b. Bet. 1759 - 1774.
 iv. UNKNOWN HARRIS, b. Bet. 1759 - 1774.
 v. UNKNOWN HARRIS, b. Bet. 1759 - 1774.
 vi. UNKNOWN HARRIS, b. Bet. 1759 - 1774.
 vii. JOHN STARLING HARRIS, b. Bet. 1765 - 1774.
 viii. MOSES HARRIS, b. Bet. 1765 - 1774; d. 1814, Union Co. SC; m. CATHERINE ?.
 ix. ROBERT ANDERSON HARRIS, b. Bet. 1765 - 1774, Union Co. SC; d. Abt. 1835, York Co. SC.
 x. SUSANNAH HARRIS, b. Bet. 1774 - 1784.
5. xi. SAMUEL HARRIS, b. Abt. 1775, Union Co. SC; d. Aft. 1850, GA.
 xii. UNKNOWN HARRIS, b. Bet. 1784 - 1788.

Generation No. 5

5.  SAMUEL5 HARRIS (ROBERT4, JAMES3, ROBERT2, EDWARD1) was born Abt. 1775 in Union Co. SC, and died Aft. 1850 in GA.  He married AMY ?.  She was born Abt. 1782 in SC, and died Aft. 1850 in GA.

Union County SC Census, Samuel Harris family
(Our direct line is Samuel>Elijah>Frances Elizabeth Penelope Harris who married Henry Haynes Burns)

2 male 1790-1800 (Elijah, Son A)
1 male 1755-1774 (Samuel)
2 female 1790-1800 (Daughter A, Daughter B)
1 female 1774-1784 (Amy)

3 male 1800-1810 (Daniel, Elisha, Son B)
2 male 1794-1800 (Elijah, Son A)
1 male 1765-1784 (Samuel)
2 female 1784-1794 (1794-1800) (Daughter A, Daughter B)
1 female 1765 or before (1765-1784) (Amy)

Both female entries are one column too far right.

3 male 1810-1820 (Elisha, Pleasant, Son C)
1 male 1804-1810 (Daniel)
1 male 1794-1804 (Elijah)
1 male 1775-1794 (Samuel)
1 female 1810-1820 (Hannah)
1 female 1804-1810 (Penelope)
1 female 1794-1804 (Celia)
1 female 1775-1794 (Amy)

Son A, Daughter A, Daughter B, the oldest children have probably married.
Son B has apparently died.

1 male 1825-1830 (Thomas)
2 male 1820-1825 (Craven, Son D)
1 male 1815-1820 (Son C)
1 male 1810-1815 (Pleasant)
2 male 1800-1810 (Daniel, Elisha)
1 male 1770-1780 (Samuel)
1 female 1825-1830 (Sarah)
1 female 1810-1815 (Hannah)
2 female 1800-1810 (Celia, Penelope)
1 female 1780-1790 (Amy)
1 female 1750-1760 (somebodys' Mother)

1 male 10-18 (Thomas, age 12)
1 male 18-20 ( Craven, age 18)
1 male 20-30 ( Pleasant, age 26)
1 male 60-70  (Samuel, age 65)
1 female 15-20 (Sarah, age 14)
1 female 20-30  (Hannah, age 28)
2 females 30-40  (Celia, age 36 and Penelope, age 34)
1 female 50-60  (Amy, age 58)

It seems evident to me that this is the same family in all 4 census records
and that this Samuel is your Samuel. (From Harris family researcher, JEH)

Children of SAMUEL HARRIS and AMY ? are:
 i. ELIJAH6 HARRIS, b. Abt. 1800, Union Co. SC; m. ELIZABETH C. ?; b. Abt. 1815, SC.

Elijah is listed in the 1840 census of Union Co. SC
1 male under 5- son Elisha born 1840
1 male 30-40 Elijah born about 1800
2 females under 5  Jane born 1836 and  Frances (our line) born 1838
1 female 20-30 Elizabeth C. born 1815
Children born after 1840 were Sisely in 1842, William J. "Chaner" in 1848 in SC,
and Celia Ann born in 1853 in GA

Elijah and family are in the 1850 and 1860 census of Paulding County, GA.  The family evidently had  moved to Ga from SC between the birth of William J. in 1848 and the 1850 census.  Elijah is living next door to Daniel Harris who had been in GA at least since 1833 and the birth of his son William.  It appears that Daniel is fairly well off by the standards of the county, and Elijah is listed as a farmer in 1850 and a renter, from Daniel, in 1860 when Elijah is 60 years old.  Daniel is only 40 at that time and is surely a relative. The whole family lives in fairly close proximity to each other.
In 1860 the only children left in the household of Elijah are Cecily C., age 17, William J., age 12, and Celia Ann, age 7.
Elijah's daughter, Frances Elizabeth Penelope Harris born in 1838, has married Henry Haynes Burns and established her own family next door to her brother Elisha and his family. Elisha migrates to Arkansas with the Burns family after the Civil War.

 ii. CELIA HARRIS, b. Abt. 1804, SC.
 iii. PENELOPE HARRIS, b. Abt. 1806, SC.
 iv. DANIEL HARRIS, b. Abt. 1810, Union Co. SC; m. LUCRETIA ?; b. 1812, SC.

Daniel appears to be the son of Samuel.  He and brother Elijah live only three houses apart in the Paulding Co. census. He was the first to leave South Carolina for Georgia, evidently, since his children were all born there starting in 1833.

 v. ELISHA HARRIS, b. Abt. 1810, Union Co. SC; m. (1) MARY; b. 1825, SC.

In 1850  Elisha is still in Union Co. SC , but by the 1860 census, he is with the rest of the family, living next door to  his brother Craven in Paulding Co. GA.   Another indication that Elisha  is Samuel's son is that Trevan Umphrey, a retarded person, listed as a 36 year old laborer from SC is living with Elisha's family in 1860.  In 1850 Trevan was living with Samuel and his family.  Mary does not appear to have been Elisha's first wife  because of the age of the girls, and there were probably other children, as well.

 vi. HANNAH HARRIS, b. Abt. 1812, SC.
 vii. PLEASANT HARRIS, b. Abt. 1814, SC.
 viii. CRAVEN HARRIS, b. Abt. 1824, SC.
 ix. SARAH HARRIS, b. Abt. 1826, SC.
 x. THOMAS A. HARRIS, b. Abt. 1828, SC.