Henry Haynes Burns (GA)
& Frances Elizabeth Penelope Harris (GA)
This couple was married 20 Oct 1855 in Paulding Co GA, and are buried at Campti Cemetery, Shelby Co TX.

Reba Jernigan Powers
Sue Burns Moore
 ©2000 TAMU-C
Last updated 16 July 2000
Liberty Lyles Powers

In the Past Lane | Smith Cemetery | Campti Cemetery | Oaklawn Cemetery

(photo courtesy of Lorraine Jones Noble)
 Henry Haynes Burns {s/o William Burns & Luraney}
& Frances Elizabeth Penelope Harris {d/o Elijah Harris & Elizabeth}
g'dau/o Samuel & Amy
g g'dau/o Robert Harris & Prudence Patton

their children:
Margaret Ardella | Lorraine Jane | William Henry | Samuel Reuben | Robert Lee | Martha Adeline
John Franklin | Amy Penelope | Mary Elizabeth | Victoria | Paralee | Elisha

(document courtesy of Sue Moore)
This prescription, issued in Hope, AR, was found in Sam's trunk.

1. Margaret Ardella Burns
& Joel Oliver Deaton
"Ardella & Joel's  Family"
their children:
Lenorah Jane | Sarah Frances | Mary M. | H. M.
Jennie Bethany | Sudie Delany | Coralee Deaton

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2. Lorraine Jane Burns
& William Frank Powell
"Jane & Frank's Family"
their children:

Leona Jones & Frank Anderson
Julie Powell d/o Jane Burns & Frank Powell
Henry Burns

"Frank Powell and Sam Burns came to TX from AR together in a wagon train of sorts that my G'pa Lee Andrew remembered since he was about 10-12 years old when they migrated. They had to cross the Red River near Shreveport on a ferry. I have a little notebook that recorded the expenses incurred by Sam and Frank on the trip."  (Sue Burns Moore, Apr 2000)

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Charlie Manning & Julie Powell Manning
Julie was the d/o Jane Burns & Frank Powell; this photo was found in an album belonging to Frances Burns Baker, and passed on by her daughter, Addie Baker Eaves, to Sue Burns Moore.

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Addie, Vertie Mae, & Walter (Bud) Manning
(children of Charlie & Julie Manning)

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3. William Henry Burns

& Frankie Foster
"Henry & Frankie's Family"
their children:
William Franklin | Malachi | Walter Allen | Rosa Lona Lee

& Caladonia O. Powell
"Henry & Callie's Family"
their children:
Albert | Della | Mattie Verdelle | Henry Thomas | Birdie
Velma Cecil | Nolan Glen | Mae Delois | Irwin Andrew | Berthy

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4. Samuel Reuben Burns
& Jennie Medora Theodocia Nanna Pharisee Savannah Johnson
"Sam & Dora's Family"
their children:
Frances Cornelia | Emma Lizzie | Lee Andrew | William Alford | Lonnie Bascum
Jonah Elisha | Jenny Ardella | James Samuel | George Vessie

Sue Burns Moore

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Lee Andrew Burns
July 20, 1886 - Oct 31, 1963

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Daisy Ophelia Campbell Burns
Aug 5, 1888- May 10, 1959
w/o Lee Andrew Burns

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Ellen E. Jones Burns 
July 10, 1917- May11, 1977

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Corris David Burns
Sept. 22, 1916 - Jan. 25, 1975
(s/o Lee Andrew & Daisy Campbell Burns)
w/daughter Sue Burns Moore in 1940

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
James Samuel "Jim" Burns
Oct. 26, 1900 - June 1, 1971

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
William Alfred Burns (s/o Sam)
26 Sept. 1890- 26 Nov. 1966

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Jennie Ardella Burns Matthews
16 June 1898- Oct 3, 1970

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Lonnie Bascum Burns
born 25 July 1893

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Jonah Elisha Burns
born 26 June 1895

(courtesy of Sue Moore)
Sam's children in the 50's. 
Left to right starting with the tallest man: 
Andrew*, Alfred*, Lonnie,  Jim *, and Vess*
L to R: Lizzie Burns Middleton, Jennie Burns Matthews*.
*buried at Smith

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Addie Baker Eaves
Dec. 4, 1903- 11 Mar. 1975
d/o Frances C. Burns Baker
who died at her daughter's birth.
Frances was Sam's oldest child. 
All are buried at Smith.

(photo courtesy of Billie Jean Burns Morgan)
Dora Johnson Burns, wife of Sam, 
with their son Vess 
and their grandaughter Addie, whom they raised.
All are buried at Smith.

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
George Vess Burns
b. 26 Sept 1903 - d. 14 Jan 1972
and his wife, Bertha Burns

(photo courtesy of Sue Moore)
Frances, Cecil, and Billie Jean from left to right
children of Vess and Bertha Burns.

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5. Robert Lee Burns

"Bob &  Family"
their children:

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6. Martha Adeline Burns
& William Wright Jones
"Martha & Bill's Family"
their children:

Pat Jones
Jack P. Jones & Kathlyn Everitt
Oscar "Shiril" Jones (1894-1974) & Cora Lee Martin
William Wright "Bill" Jones & Martha Adeline Burns
Wrightman Jones & Mary "Pollyann" Grindle/Grinnell

Pat Jones

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7. John Franklin Burns

"John &  Family"
their children:

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8. Amy Burns
& James Wylie Cox
"Amy & Jim's Family"
their children:
Henry H. | William Wright | Winnie L. | Amelia | Elbert | Alma Francis
Elisha F. | Sophronie | Charlie | Addie Jane | Caldonia | Zera

Sheila Moreland | Heather Bonner

 "The last 2 surviving daughters of Amy and James live in the Houston area. I remember Elisha Cox came to my gr grandmother (Alma's) funeral.  He was elderly and in a wheelchair.  I think he was close to 100 then. Alma died about a month before her 97th birthday. The Alma Cox Bonner and Rufus Bonner family reunion is scheduled for May 27, the Sunday before Memorial day.  It will be at the old home place. That is the log house near Lone Cedar Missionary Baptist Church and Cemetery.  The house was built soon after the Civil War by Andrew
Bonner, Alma's father-in-law.  Alma and Rufus raised their children there.  Should be lots of stories and information.  Anyone wanting to attend are more than welcome.  Should be lots of good cooking.  It is usually around lunch time.  Some will go to church (Lone Cedar) before we eat, some will stay and prepare.  So just come on.  I can't come this year, my husband's niece is graduating in Houston.  I rarely miss this, but I have no choice.  I'd love to be sitting in the dog trot smelling magnolias instead of being in Houston.  I'll ask that Mother get pictures.  I've seen the one of Francis and Henry.  One just like it hung in the old log house."

Sheila Thrash Moreland
Amy-Alma-Gertrude-Artie Yvonne
Apr 2000

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9. Mary Elizabeth Burns
&  John Wiley Jones
"Mary & John's Family"
their children:

(photo courtesy of Yvonne Peace)
Mary & John

(photo courtesy of Yvonne Peace)
Birtie Mills Jones, Carrie Jones Anderson , Charlie Jones, Essie Jones Cooper, Elmer Jones

(photo courtesy of Yvonne Peace)
Leona Jones & Frank Anderson w/Olzo

(photo courtesy of Yvonne Peace)
Charlie A. Jones

(photo courtesy of Yvonne Peace)
Albert Jones &  Mertie Smith Jones


(photo courtesy of Yvonne Peace)
Elmer Jones, Albert Jones, Birtie Mills
Thanie Anderson, Francis Cox

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10. Victoria Burns
& John H. Cox
"Vicky & John's Family"
their children:
Ben | Luther | Martha | Bettie | Connie | Jesse | Robert

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11. Paralee Burns
& Samuel Calvin Jones
"Paralee & Sam's Family"
their children:
Oma Oletha | Minnie Arqula | Bessie | Bertha Jane | Lela Francis
Marvin Allen | Oscar Alton | Orva Olivia | Lorraine | James Eldon | Margie Lee

Harry Powers | Lee Powers

(photo courtesy of Lorraine Noble)
Paralee Burns Jones & children

(photo courtesy of Lorraine Noble)
Paralee Burns Jones

(photo courtesy of Lorraine Noble)
Paralee Burns Jones

(photo courtesy of Lorraine Noble)
Sam Jones

(photo courtesy of Lorraine Noble)
Sam Jones & Paralee Burns Jones

(photo courtesy of Yvonne Peace)
Paralee Burns Jones & Johnny Lee Powers

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12. Elisha Burns
"Elisha &  Family"
their children:

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