Submit Your Information

Here is a list of the type of information you can submit:

  • Queries - ask specific questions that other researchers might be able to help you on. This will be added to the database

  • Individual Profiles - add your Wakefield individuals to the database.

  • Researcher - have your name listed as a Wakefield surname researcher.

  • GEDCOM - to submit your Wakefield GEDCOM file.

  • Archives - to submit any files for the archives.

  • Links - to submit helpful Wakefield research links that you know of (note that if you submit your name to the Researcher page, and you have a URL, it will automatically get listed on the links page).

Researcher Listing

To be listed as a researcher, please email The Wakefield SRC, using the following format:

Subject line: List as researcher
Body of email:
Your name
Your email address

Your full mailing address
The URL of your personal site (that contains Wakefield genealogy)
The date coverage of your Wakefield research (eg. 1800-1999)
The lineage of names of your Wakefield research (eg. William ->James ->Edwin ->Sydney)
The place coverage of your Wakefield research (eg. London, England -> NSW, Australia)

Each entry must be on a separate line. It would also be desirable if you put a blank line between each entry. If you do not have one of these fields (or do not wish to have it listed), please simply place "N/A" on that line.

Your name will be listed within one week of submission

GEDCOM Submission

To submit a GEDCOM file containing Wakefield family data, please email The Wakefield SRC, using the following format:

Subject line: GEDCOM submission
Body of email:
Your Name
Your email address
The date coverage of your Wakefield research (eg. 1800-1999)
The lineage of names of your Wakefield research (eg. William ->James ->Edwin ->Sydney)
The place coverage of your Wakefield research (eg. London, England -> NSW, Australia)

Please place each data on a separate line, leaving a line between each entry.

Important: Don't forget to attach the file!

Archives Submission

To submit a file (such as census data) to the archives, please email The Wakefield SRC, using the following format:

Subject line: Archives submission
Body of email:
Your Name
Your email address
Brief description of the nature of the file

Please place each data on a separate line, leaving a line between each entry.

Important: Don't forget to attach the file!

Link Submission

To submit a linke useful for Wakefield research, please email The Wakefield SRC, using the following format:

Subject line: Link submission
Body of email:
Your Name
Your email address
The title of the page
The URL of the page
A brief description of the page

Please place each data on a separate line, leaving a line between each entry. Remember, if you previously submitted as a Researcher, your home page URL is already (or soon will be) listed under Links.

Please feel free to email the Page Master if you have any questions.

vistors since September 1st, 2000

© 1999-2000 The Wakefield SRC