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File: Census
1881 - London
Submitter: Helen
Description: A Microsoft Excel file, containing a list of
all the Wakefield's recorded in the London area, of the
1881 Census. If you would like this file in some other
format, please email me and I will gladly send it to you.
Please note the following
information supplied by Gordon
Wakefield in reference to this
The following WAKEFIELD's all listed as
born at Old Ford Middsex is wrong on this census.
THOMAS was born 1843 at Fairstead, Essex
PHEOBE was born 1844 at White Notley Essex
SEFT ROBERT 1863 was born at White Notley Essex
GEORGE WILLIAM 1865 was born at White Notley Essex
SARAH ANN 1869 was born White Notley Essex
SHAPINA I. 1870 have not found birth certificate yet.
ELIZABETH HANNA 1871 was born Poplar London
ELIZA ELLEN 1875 was born Poplar London
ADA FRANCES was born Poplar London.
The family had lived in Old Ford and I think that as
neither THOMAS or
PHEOBE could write they answered the question where did
you come from as
"Old Ford"
In the 1891 census SEFT was listed as SAMUEL
File: A Few
Wakefield's In History
Submitter: Gordon
Description: A Microsoft Word document file, containing
14 Wakefield's mentioned in history. If you would like
this file in a different format, please email the Page
Please feel free to email the Page
Master if you have any questions.
vistors since September 1st, 2000
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