Church Officers

2002 - 2003

Sunday School Director     
Wayne Becknell

Kevin Becknell



Bobby Becknell
Glenn Smith
 Adult Men     
Glenn Smith
Wayne Becknell


Tom & Laura Jennette
Shirley Crawford
 TEL Class     
Eava Moore
Louise Haydon & Lena Stinnett
 Clerk      Becky Drury
Marge Smith
Peggy Turner & Frankie Harvey
 Trustees William Crawford
Bill Corman
Gil Chard
Brad Jones
Dennis King
Greg Becknell
Tom Jennette
Marion Williams
Bert Jones
 Kitchen Committee Christine Becknell
Linda Becknell
Jody Vickers
Louise Haydon
Helen Strange
Lois Cox
Oneta Curd
 New Members      DeWayne Brewer  Finance Committee Treasurer
Chairman of Deacons
Chairman of Trustees
Wayne Taylor
Bobby Becknell
 Young Adults     
Kevin W. Becknell
Marsha Becknell
 Nominating Committee Bobby Becknell
Gail Stoops
Laura Jennette
 Preschool I (Nursery)      Ronda Pope  Outreach Director DeWayne Brewer
 Preschool II     
 (2 & 3 year olds)     
Brad & Amity Jones  Recreation Committee Herb King
Lindsey Horn
Phillip & Leanna Burt
 Preschool III     
 (4 & 5 year olds)     
Tom Pope  Decorating Committee Christine Becknell
Cindy Morris
Sheri Brewer
Shirley Crawford
 Children I     
 (1st & 2nd grade)     
Jean Corman  Crisis & Flower Committee Lena Stinnett
Frankie Harvey
 Children II     
 (3rd & 4th grade)     
Linda Becknell  Chairman of Ushers Jack Corman
 Children III     
 (5th & 6th grade)     
Linda Becknell

 Musicians Mildred Johnson
Betty Drury
Ray Stipes
 Intermediate Youth     
 (7th - 9th grade)     
Bobby Becknell
Marsha Becknell
 Assistant Musician Laura Metzenberg
 (10th - 12th grade)     
Bobby Becknell  Nursery Committee Marsha Becknell
Candice Drury
Becky Drury
Amity Jones
 Discipleship Training Director     
Edith Taylor

Becky Drury

 Youth Committee Marion Williams
Brandon Taylor
Edith Taylor
Marsha Becknell
Candice Drury
Discipleship Training - Adult Class Marion Williams

Glenn Smith

Bert Jones

 Baptismal Committee William Crawford
Jody Vickers
Mary Scobee
Laura Jennette
Discipleship Training - Nursery  Brotherhood Director Glenn Smith
Discipleship Training - Mission Friends Tom & Ronda Pope

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