On the courthouse square located on the corner of Cherokee and Erwin Streets is a shaft with a soldier on top. On the front of the monument below the soldier are the years "1861-1865" and below that is a furled battle flag. Below this reads: “Our Soldiers” below that: "Confederate States of America.” On the left side of the soldier is inscribed:

“Let this stranger who may in future time read this inscription and recognize that there were men whom power could not corrupt, death could not terrify, defeat could not dishonor; let these vitues plead for judgement in the cause for which they perished. Let Georgia remember that the state taught them how to live and how to die; and that from her broken fortunes, she has preserved for her children, the priceless treasure of her memories, teaching all who may claim the same birthright, that truth, virtue and patriotism endure forever.

The Bartow County Chapter #127 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is no longer active.




Sights from the War Between the States include the Battle of Allatoona Pass were trenches and gun-ports are evident today; a monument to an "unknown soldier"; Confederate cemeteries; and a lone Chimney are evident where Cooper's Furnace irons turned out twenty to thirty tons of pig iron. The iron works were a bustling part of Etowah's mining and manufacturing center. Almost destroyed by Sherman, what he didn't ravage by fire met its end when the army corps of engineers built Allatoona Dam, the rising waters covered the remains of the village a railroad trestle over the Etowah River near the furnace burned and was rebuilt six times during the war.

Mark Coopeer's
Friendship Monument

Although The South was relatively insulated from the Panic of 1857, some businesses did suffer, among them ironworks. Mark Anthony Cooper's extensive operation in the Etowah River Valley was so drastically affected that he put the business up for sale in 1858 to cover $100,000 dollars in debt he owed. 38 friends sign notes covering the debts, which Cooper repaid from the revenues of his mill.

In 1860, as an expression of gratitude, Cooper built the "Friendship Monument" to honor these people. The names of each of the 38 men are inscribed on the marble marker.

Cooper's Furnace

Remains of Cooper's Iron Works




This monument is a 40 foot shaft with a cut out of a shield on four sides. On the front in the shield it reads:

"Rest in Peace our own Southern Braves. You loved liberty more than life".

To the left it reads:

Dedicated to the memory of our Southern Heroes, By the Ladies Memorial Association of Cassville. A. D. 1878."

On the back it reads:

"Is it death to fall for freedoms call?"

To the right it reads:

"It is better to have fought and lost than not to have fought at all."

Small Monument

Our Confederate Dead.
So long as breathes a Southern woman, So long as time shall last, So long will Southern women Cherish and honor the memory of the Confederate soldiers and meet annually to strew their resting place with choicest garlands.

Left of the front

"Confederate States of America

Below this it reads


On the back it reads, These headstones were placed here 1899 by Cassville Chapter, Georgia Division United Daughters of the Confederacy in honor of those who fell while defending the rights of the South. Long may their memory live.

The Cassville Chapter #238, of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is Inactive.

Rustic Stone Monument

On this Rustic Stone Monument there is a plaque which reads:

"Site of Cassville named for Lewis Cass, County seat of Cass County,1832-1861".
"First Decision, Supreme Court of Georgia, 1846, named changed to Manassas, 186l.
Town burned by Sherman 1864 and never rebuilt."

WPA. 1936.

Cassville Cemetery

Old Cassville

Confederate Cemetery
New Addition

Shinall-Gaines Road

Historical Marker reads
Confederate Dead"

"In this cemetery are buried about 300 unknown Confederate soldiers who died of wounds or disease in the several Confederate hospitals located in Cassville. These hospitals operated from late 1861 until May 18, 1864, then moved south out of the path of the invading Federal forces. In May 1899, the Cassville Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy,to honor these unknown soldiers, placed headstones at each of their graves."




On the Courthouse square is a Confederate monument with a soldier on top holding his musket. Below him are crossed furled flags, and below them is inscribed


There are small cannons on each of the four corners. It reads:

"Erected by the Cedartown Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy #491. To the Confederate Veterans of Polk County 1906. The daughters of those who made our flag, hold in exalted veneration those who bore it."

Below this are two sabres crossed then

"Our Heroes".

To the soldier's right are crossed muskets and below the muskets it reads:

"This we raise in loving tribute to the past, present, and future."

On the soldier's left are two flags crossed and furled. Then " '61". Followed by:

"The principles for which they fought live eternally". " '65".

To the left are two more muskets crossed. Then it reads:

" When the last trumpet is sounded may each answer the roll call of the Heavenly army."

The Cedartown Chapter #491 of the U. D. C. is no longer active.

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