The front of the monument reads CSA. To our Confederate solders 1861-1865. The Confederate Flag wraps round and has bayonets on the backside and anchors on the left. On the right there are cannons and a sword. On the back it reads erected by the Bainbridge Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the city of Bainbridge 1905. There are two cannons facing down on either side of the monument, around the base are an exquisite little pond filled with gold fish and a beautifully planted circle around the monument. The marker in front of the monument reads "Bainbridge Volunteers", later the Bainbridge Independents organized 1859, by Capt. Charles G. Campbell assembled here in March 1861 and entered service under the command of Capt. John W. Evens as company G, 1st GA. Regt. WPA 1936 UDC . The brick slabs surrounding the pond give a little history of Bainbridge, Inc, and Dec. 22, 1829.


Willis Park is bound by Broughton, West Street, Waters and Broad streets. The park is beautiful, with many curiosities, a gazebo, ships bell, cannons, pond filled with gold fish and the statue of a Confederate soldier in the center.


From the John W. Callahan, Jr. donated by Lyman and Floreine Hines in memory of Samuel Rouse. Around the bell it reads Kay Louisville.

There are little cherubs around the bell. On the front it reads the same thing and it too has little cherub’s.




Granite Boulder in the center of town

"In Memory of the Women of the Confederacy"


Willie Hunt Smith Chapter #49

The Willie Hunt Smith Chapter #49 of the U.D.C. is no longer active.




Mary Ellen and Donald Richey provide this memorial site in honor of his Confederate ancestor, Pvt. James Alfred Richey. In the center are the Sons of the Confederate Veterans insignia. Below is inscribed, "This site dedicated to the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia of whom many paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of their state and their nation. The Confederate States of America during the war for Southern Independence." 1861-1865. Dedicated February 23, 2002 by the Lt. James T. Woodward Camp 1599 S.C.V. None greater none more honorable. Deo Vindice

The monument is on the south side of Georgia Hwy 96 east of I-75. Plans are in the works to raise the monument onto a higher base and pave the entrance drive. There are many projects in the works, such as: memorial bricks naming the soldiers and units of Confederate patriots and adding more flagpoles. For now there is one flagpole flying the Stars and Bars Flag and the Georgia Flag 2001.




The Monument is on the Courthouse square at GA. 25 and US 27. There are three markers in front of the pole which was given by Peter Howard in 1861. The middle marker has the Georgia seal on it and it reads: "Confederate Flag Pole", "The flag pole from which the stars and bars proudly flew is the last original flagstaff still standing in Georgia. The stalwart pole was hewn from a longleaf pinetree that grew one mile sw of this city in Early County. It was hauled by a yoke of oxen into Blakey and erected where it now stands by Thomas Williams and others on May 16, 1861."

The third marker reads: "Erection of this marker sponsored by the Pilot Club of Blakely 1954-1955." The monument is an obelisk. On the front there is a Confederate flag and the date 1861- 1865. Under this is inscribed: "Confederate dead." Insribed on the left side is: "A tribute of love, to the noble Confederate soldiers who cheerfully offered their lives in defense of the right of local self government, and to those who fought and survived." On the back of the monument are two crossed Confederate flags. On the right side it reads: "Erected by the Blakely Chapter UDC 1909". Under this is inscribed: "Lest we forget."




New Castle Street in Hanover Park features a monument to the Confederate soldiers 1861-1865. At the top of a tall shaft is a statue of a Confederate soldier. The inscriptions around the base of the monument read,

“Confederate States of America 1861 to 1865, Lord God of host be with us yet, lest we forget, lest we forget. The sacred dust of warriors tried and true, who bore the flag of our nation’s trust; and fell in the cause, though lost, still just; and died for you and me."

In honor of the Confederate soldiers, who died to repel unconstitutional invasion to protect the rights reserved to the people, to perpetuate forever the sovereignty of the states. Erected April 26,1902. A tribute of love from the Ladies Memorial Association of Brunswick, Georgia to the heroes of the Confederacy. 1861-1865. Embossed on the front is a flag and the letters CSA.



The city's name is a rememberance of General Zachary Torian’s victory over Santa Ana at Buena Vista, Mexico in 1847. Buena Vista is Spanish meaning "Good View".

The Confederate Monument is an oblong fountain on the Courthouse lawn. It reads: "Erected by the Marion County Chapter U.D.C. and the Citizens to the Confederate Soldiers of this County, June 1916. The bowl below depicts CSA encircled in a wreath of Laurel leaves. 1861 CSA 1865.

Buena Vista Marion County Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter #962 is inactive.




The monument is located on the Court House Square in the center of town. It is a white marble monument, embossed with a battle flag on a broken staff. Below on the front the inscription reads,

"In honor of the boys in gray from Taylor County---erected by the Wallace Edwards Chapter No. 430 United Daughters of the Confederacy our heros."

To the left and right;


On the reverse side,

"No Nation rose so pure and fair or fell so free from crime."

The soldier on top is standing at rest.




The monument is a large stone arch with two soldiers which faces southeast. On a white marble tablet on the arch it reads: "Confederate memorial battle of Resaca fought near here May 14 and 15, 1864". On the right hand side of the arch is the Confederate soldier. A small plaque under him is to J. L. Mott Iron works. The soldier appears to be bronze. There is so much red clay in the area, it's hard to tell. Underneath the arch there's a plaque that reads: "Committee, Mrs. Ernest Beall; Chairman, Mrs.G. G. Harland, Mrs.J. B. Erwin, J. C. Garlington; Mayor, W. L. Hillhouse builder 1927". The placque under the soldier on the left hand side reads: "Calhoun honors her World War I heroes 1917-1918". The monument stands between U.S.441 and Georgia 225.

The Gordon County Chapter #923 of the U.D.C. is no longer active.





This white marble arch is in memory of Governor Joseph Emerson Brown, war time Governor of Georgia. The front of this monument is facing Marietta St. At the top there are two battle flags with the date 1861-1865. To the right it reads:

'Erected by the Helen Plane Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy. In memory of our "Southern Heroes of the War Between the States." In memory of our heroes of World War II 1941-1945.'
On the other side it reads:

"Their names may be forgotten but their deeds are recorded in the annals of their grateful country."
On the back of monument are two American flags with the date 1917-1918. On the right side is inscribed:

"In honor of our boys who fought in the World War."
The left side is inscribed: "In loving remembrance April 26,1923. In the very front of the arch there is a small marker designating Brown Park 1906.

"This park donated to the people of Canton by Mary V. Connally, Miss Sallie E. Brown, George M. Brown, Eliza A. Brown.
On the left it is inscribed:

"With warning hand I mark times with rapid flight, from life’s glad morning to the solemn night. Yet by dear God’s love, I also show, there’s light above me by the shade below."

The Georgia Historical marker gives us much information about Joseph Emerson Brown. He was born April 15,1821 in Picken’s District South Carolina. He grew up in Union County, Georgia. He taught to pay for his education, and while teaching in Canton he read law at night, being admitted to the bar in August, 1845. He graduated from the Yale Law School in 1849; Judge of the Superior Court, Blue Ridge Circuit, in 1855; Governor in 1857, serving during the trying years of the War Between the States until 1865. He was Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court from 1868 to 1870, resigning to become Manager of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. He was President of the Dade Coal Company, and had other large mining interests, and owned several farms. He was elected United States Senator in 1880; then elected for a second term. In Memory of his son Charles McDonald Brown, he established a $50,000 scholarship at the University of Georgia.
Governor Brown died November 30, 1894. His Canton home stood near this marker. After his death his heirs presented this tract to the city for a park, fittingly named Brown Park.

The Helen Plane Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is no longer active.




This tall monument with a soldier on top is on the Courthouse square on Hull Avenue and Highways 106 and 59. There isn’t any inscription on the front of the monument. On the leftside of the soldier it reads:

“This we raise a loving tribute to the past, present and future.”
On the back of the moument it reads:

"To our Confederate Soldiers.”
Above this there are crossed battle flags and above them are the letters "CSA" and the years "1861-1865". On the right side of the soldier it reads:

“ In memory of the Franklin County Veterans from the Millican Chapter U.D.C. August 10, 1910".

At an earlier date there were four cannon balls on four corners. Today they are broken and there are half pieces of the cannon balls. We spoke to several people at the Chamber of Commerce about the condition of this monument. We were told the Courthouse looked worse than the monument. They have just completed restoring most of that except for the third floor. We spoke to a gentlemen who apologized for the condition. He’s a volunteer at the Courthouse.
The Millican Chapter #1665 of the U.D.C. is no longer active.




This monument is on the Courthouse lawn on Tanner and Newnan Streets. There is a pedestal with a soldier holding his musket. On the front of the monument it reads:

"In proud and loving memory of the Confederate soldiers of Carroll county, 1861-1865.”
“Confederate Dead”.

On the left side of the soldier it reads:

“How sleep the brave, who sink to rest, by all their country’s wishes blest! By fairy hands, their knell is rung; by forms unseen their dirge is sung; their honor comes, a pilgrim gray; to bless the turf, that wraps their clay.”

On the back it reads:

"Erected by the Anne Wheeler Chapter #391 United Daughters of the Confederacy, April 26, 1910."

On the right side of the soldier it reads:

"Upon this altar of home and country, they placed the offering in fullest measure, of all they had to give."

The Anne Wheeler Chapter #391 of the U. D. C. is no longer active.

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