Durham Friends Meeting

Who Are The Friends?

                                As Friends, we seek to live truthfully and simply, and to create
                                loving homes filled with the awareness of divine presence. We
                                participate regularly in meeting for worship and for business -- in a
                                spirit of quiet expectation, waiting for divine guidance. We seek
                                to deepen our spiritual and community life by sharing of common
                                responsibilities and personal and religious insights. We seek a deeper
                                apreciation for our human family, for nature, and our place in
                                the natural world. We seek to live in the Inner Light and power which
                                takes away the occasion for war.

                                The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) had it's beginning  in
                                England more than 350 years ago. At the time, the established church
                                put great emphasis upon outward ceremony and very little upon
                                inward experience and righteous living. As a result, many people were
                                restless and dissatisfied, seeking for a religion of personal experience
                                and direct communion with God. One of those seekers, George Fox,
                                who had despaired of finding help from religious leaders of his day,
                                heard a voice within saying, "There is One, even Christ Jesus, that
                                can speak to thy condition,' and when I heard it in my heart did I leap
                                for joy." This glorious revelation of the Divine within his own heart
                                was the answer to his search. From this experience, Fox and his
                                followers founded the Quaker movement.