Meeting For Worship
The meeting for worship
usually includes the following:
Singing of hymns, prayer, Scripture reading, children's story, offering,
message, and open worship. Open worship is a time of silence during
which all are encouraged to enter into prayer and reflection. Some
prefer to meditate on a Bible verse, poetry, an aspect of nature or a
problem of life. Some find this time their best opportunity for
examining carefully and candidly their own words and actions of the
past week. Still others -- in the mystical approach which is a strong
element in the Quaker tradition -- simple try to bring the inner self to
complete quietness, the better to hear the "still small voice." However
we prepare ourselves, it is essential to try to be completely open and
sensitive so that we may be freely led by the spirit to new insights.
You may feel moved to share these insights; feel free to speak during
the silence -- as briefly and clearly as possible.
Do not apologize or explain yourself, as we are all equal before God.
Leave time after the previous speaker, so that gathered Friends may
reflect upon what was has been spoken.
A time of fellowship with refreshments follows the meeting
for worship