Lovingyou.com's Love Quote of the Day

Angels are a natural part of the scenery,
so don't be surprised if you don't recognize them right away.

Angels are with you every step of the way
and help you soar with amazing grace

Angels don't leave anything to chance,
although they show us we have a chance to do anything if we try.

Keep what is worth keeping
` and with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest Away

Portrait of an Angel

Big smile for laughter and warming hearts.
Shimmering halo for reflecting all the good
they see around them.
Gossamer wings for reaching impossible places and dreams.
Heart of gold for believing, caring, & understanding.
Rainbow tears for compassion,
because they don't try to ignore life's hurts.
Hefty pockets for holding stardust, daydreams, & happy thoughts.
Silver harp for spreading harmony wherever they go.
Lightweight sandals even when their feet are on the ground,
they're never bound by earthly limitations.

Angel's Love
This Angel's Love site
is owned by Chrissy.

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