RULES for Entries
1. Send your email to US, with the word Capture and the person's name, in the subject line, and please let us know if theperson to be captured is a CL or Homesteader! Please, only one request for release or capture at a time. If you send more than one release or capture request for the same person, only one will be counted! So save us some time by sending one release per captured! Thanks!
2. You must include the correct email and url so we will know where to make the capture.
3. Once we've received the email capture request we'll capture them with an email notification!
4. The captured will need 10 emails sent on their behalf to be released and spared from the croc fested MOAT!
5. After the captured has received ten email requests for mercy from the croc fested MOAT, that person will be released and your "I survived the Dungeon" award will be posted for pickup. Again you will be notified by email with the URL so you can pick up your award. :o)
6. To send request for the captured to be released, just send an email with the word release + the name of the captured, eg.(release muskateer)(capture muskateer in the subject line! Change the word muskateer to the name of the person you want captured! We are NOT taking request for capture outside of Heartland at this time!
7. Please send all questions, comments or suggestions to The Committee!
8. Our list of the captured will be posted with links so you can keep track of the captured and released! As listed above the released will receive email notification of URL for award pickup! We will accept release request from outside of Heartland!
*Please read below before you enter!

*Important: Please READ!!*
Information collected from entries in this contest will be used by "The Three Muskateers Committee" solely for the purposes of conducting this contest, awarding, and announcing the winners. "You must be 13 years of age or older to be eligible for this contest." This contest is sponsored solely by The Three Muskateers Committee. GeoCities is not a sponsor of this contest and is not involved with the administration of the contest or the awarding of prizes pursuant to the contest rules listed here. If you have any questions, please contact Muskateers.
Tour our Castle? Click Here!
Oh Wow Heartland Geocitizens have visited our dungeon capture. Thanks!!
Copyright ©Heartland 3 Muskateers Committee 1999
Graphics & Game Remain property of the Committee