It seems as though the captured are bored and desperate!
The released have been both sad and relieved to get out of the Dungeon, and some of the request that came in, well you will have to read their postings to understand.....Behold their writings!!

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Hey there Muskateers, D'Artanian here, If'n ya don't be ta lettin my cousin go and stop this malarkie immediately, you shall suffer the consequences of yonder Maid Molly!!! Here sayeth The "Doctor", who has "climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds.... from "the windswept height...Where never lark or even eagle flew! don't want to hurt your feelings but its dark and damp in this dungeon...and you really need to do something about the rats.... ohhhh found out what to do with the rats... the crocs luv em! Lioness
Once we were Heartlands True Blue
Now we've ended in Croc stew !! SCM(1)
SAY WHAT??!?!?!?!?!?! Whatta ya mean released?????? I dont wanna be released!!!!! Where am I gonna get crocodiles to be able to eat "crocodile steaks" everyday ...... Where am I gonna get black cats for "black cat stew".....Where am I gonna get a good ole "moat soda"????? HUH HUH where?????? THIS IS CRUELTY to CL's!!!!!!!!! I PROTEST!!!!!!!!! :-) UncleJohn(1)
Little Ode To A Dungeon
Dungeons are as dooms distain
Cold stank walls horrifying refrain
Blood curdling screams midnight awakening
Dawns light shadow forever breaking
Aching dampness bones regret
Are we forgotten did they forget !!
Croc, you Release my Daughter (Little Bit) or else you become purse material. Dean
I have been captured by Geocities/Heartland 3 Muskateers! I am trapped in the dark bowels of a castle. {Lions, Tigers, and Bears! Oh my!} The castle is surrounded by crocodiles that look hungry enough to even gnaw on old Wizard bones. {gulp} I hear the tails of those crocs slapping against the damp walls of this pit. I remember the Heartland well. The neighbors are good and friendly there. Always happy to help out a friend in need. It was many years ago since last I visited the land of my boyhood. You may have read one of my older journal entries? It is about the crick {creek} that trickled behind my boyhood home. This dank cavern reminds me of that old tunnel. Wizard of DOS I, Arwythur, son of Uther Pendragon and King of Great Britain, Lord Governor of Wales, Prince of the Scotti, and Keeper of the Land of Eire.... Do hereby command you to release the fair maiden and Lady-of-the-River... AT THIS INSTANT!... or face the wrath of the Goddess and of My Kinsman The Merlin!!! That is my word, and that is Your Law!!!! Arwythur
Whew, what a time I had w/
the crocs, although they
thought they could win me
over, I was rescued and once
again prevailed. I would
like to have Gemini Captured
so she can know the feeling
of the dark, slime, gross
environment I have spent
for the past few weeks. She
may not think she deserves
this, but what better way
to allow her to know that
life isn't a bed of roses all
the time! LOL! Thanks for
the humor...although I sure
wouldn't want one of those
"Crocs" after me, they might
just become a pair of shoes!


Now I lay me down to die
I gave this game a valiant try.
My friends deserted me you see
The crocs have all but eaten me!
This, my last will and testament
I make while becoming a condiment.
Here lies the wealth of "Little Bit"
Which I dare you all to COME AND GET!
PS Is there an award for suffering the longest?
I was riding my faithful steed Justice thru the wood,
when I heard a faint sound coming from the way of
the castle... & horse... got that look on his
face like 'Oh Crap' 'Shes gonna want to check that out'
I looked at him & said 'Yep your right' so off we went.
Well, we found where the noise was coming from..
The Dungeon!! I just couldn't believe my eyes there was
Gemini... my mentling... buddy... locked in the Dungeon!!!
I was gonna try to bust her out... Justice wasn't to keen
on that idea, so I figured I would just send a plea to
you, 'Won't you PLEASE release Gemini' She has steaders
to help & letters to write ;o) Kathy
Slippery walls and scuffling feet,
A flash of teeth, it's time to eat!
Oh No kind Sir, I beg, I pray!
Let me live another day?

I assure you Sir, I'll do no harm,
With one crippled leg and a sling on my arm,
I must protest! (but not too loud)
I might stand out in this lunch meat crowd.
Now forgive me Sir, if I test your mind,
But my own was left a long way behind.
With a house full of kids, and a husband as well,
My sanity's gone.... Couldn't you tell?
I could get up, and walk to the moat,
If it wasn't for this great rock in my coat.
Oh well you may ask why I carry the rock,
It's to straighten my spine so it doesn't lock!
Oh I'm not complaining Sir, I never would.
But it's cold in here, Could you pull on my hood?
I'd do it myself but my neck you see,
I broke it once, falling out of a tree.
What's that on your collar Sir? Oh just a flea...
You can send it on over here to me,
There's plenty of company, that you'll see,
Just leave it here on my poor broken knee.
My goodness the damp does sniffle my nose,
It's even worse on my turned in toes.
My arthritis is hurting more than I can say,
Wont you reconsider? Let me live one more day?
I'm sure that my friends will soon pay the dues,
By sending the required 10 emails to you.
But of course if they don't, I won't stand there and gloat.
I'll show them the moat, AND THROW THEM IN BY THE THROAT!!

Send someone out to pick a nice
plump croc & fire up the grill
so I can have my steaks
again!!! Uncle John(2)
Hmmm......Seems like Tersie has been
spreading tales about me. Me use ICQ
while being locked up in the dungeon???
Would I do that? hmmmm??? I don't
think that would be setting a very good
example do you? But then again, you're
the ones that left that computer running
in there so what was I supposed to do??
I figured you wouldn't mind me checking
it out and making sure that no one had
loaded any kind of viruses on it. Just
trying to look out for you. :o) (*I'm like
that*) LOL As you know, Tersie is the
Co-L for Heartland Oaks. :o) Please lock
her up as soon as you can. I'm sure we'll
all feel a little safer about running our
puters while she's in the dungeon and
can't spy on us. hahaha
Have a great evening!!
Please release Tersie from her
captivity! She is sorely needed in
Heartland/Oaks and her
homesteaders depend on her! She
is beloved by her CLs, and they
need her leadership. Why only this
am, a coup on Heartland/Oaks was
staged. Fortunately, they were
beaten back by a tubby guy in a
wheelchair shouting, "Win it for
Tersie"! Please release her, let
her go!(WAIT, that would be a
good song! LOL)?
Please let Tersie go! GeoCities would go to pot without her doing her job. She's also a good friend and I won't have anyone to talk to in the evening! Judy
Hey guys, what the heck do you think your doing? Please release Tersie! I am begging you, we need our fearless leader to pull us through! I can only thank my lucky stars that we have this week off and I hope and pray that we get her back by the beginning of next week! What would we do without her? Luna I am pleading for the release of tersie...If she is locked up in that dungeon who will feed the puppy and see to her housebreaking?? Not to mention the fact that I fear for the well being of puppy in the unwatched hands of baby taryn...I can just see her trying to use puppy as a dust mop. Have a heart and release tersie for the
sake of puppy. Yours truly, Puppy *s*
What you captured the poor
muck and now you want to
release her? the dragon needs
the food, let him have
a tasty morsel every few hundred
years he deserves
While she is away we shall
play in the forest under the
oak trees dancing naked in the
town square...whooo hoooo....
Tersie is gone, whooo hooo....
If she is starting to stink up
the cell then throw her out
wouldnt want to give the poor
And if you let her free boy am
I am in for
JannaBanna - I demand her release as she is a lead banana in our BUNCH! Kathalise
OH NO! Not again!
I am emploring you to
release UJ...
not for his sake but
for the welfare of
your crocodiles! He
will for sure make
them into burgers
this time!
Release JusVisitin or I'll starve... Cause I can't cook and she's my wife! Peter
Please release my friend Cheribe, who resides at Heartland/Garden/1768. She is claustropobic, and allergic to alligators! Your Friend, Angi Please release Kevin from your dungeon. If you don't he cannot return my movie to me and help me watch other ones. Marcia

Winners of the wall!

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