The Prokop Family
to our Favorite Places

We all (except for the baby of course!) have
several places on the Web we like to visit. Some are
informative, some are educational and others are just
fun sites! If you're in a "browsing" kind
of mood, you might want to check out a few of our
Here are just a few links. More will be added real
Julianne's Favorite Parenting Sites
(everything from infant to teen):
Julianne's Favorite Scrapbooking Sites (a fun and
rewarding hobby!)
I really love scrapbooking and know that my kids
will cherish their albums (all 100 for each of them
by the time they're grown -- I take tons of
pictures!). My neighbor and I get together every
Sunday at my house and spend several hours working on
our albums. It's a lot of fun. My husband usually
takes the kids out for several hours and brings Sean
home occasionally to nurse so Debbie (my neighbor)
and I can really get into our books. Believe me, it's
addicting! Here are some of my favorite sites:
Miscellaneous Womens Sites
Helpful Sites for Creating Home Pages
Searching the Internet
Steve's Favorite Places
Rhiannon's Favorite Places - 
Mike's Favorite Places
Joey's Favorite Places (Great spots for preschoolers!)
Sean's Favorite Places

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Steve Julianne

Want to see pictures of our kids? Just
click a name:
Rhiannon Michael Joey Sean
Want to see more family pictures?
The Prokop Family Album
Here are some pictures from our recent Hawaiian vacation.
Want to hear the latest happenings with
the Prokop's?
From how many teeth the baby has to our summer vacation
plans, it's all here:
The Prokop Family News
Would you like to continue your journey
through a Web Ring?

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Updated 10/18/97