"A Poem for Bo" I can't believe a year's gone bySince I held you close and I said "goodbye".Memories of that day still play in my mind,And the tears on my face have not lessened with time.
You were my first dog and my very best friend.A true golden you were, so brave to the end.The lessons you taught me, I can never repay;To be patient and kind, and to cherish each day.
Not a day goes by without you crossing my mind,With a tear or a smile of a happier time.I miss you so much and know I always will.There's a hole in my heart that only you can fill.
There will come a day when we'll meet, my friend.Near a crystal clear stream where the days never end.And we'll laugh and we'll play under the old shade tree.And together, we'll cross the bridge to eternity.
jdh12/5/97last updated 5/8/98 |