Lycoming County
Has a Rich and interesting heritage.
At the height of the lumber era, Williamsport, the county seat had the highest concentration of millionaires per capita in the world. The Susquehanna River has played an inportant part in the areas economy and has also flooded the city on numerous occassions before the construction of a dike system around 1947 although the 1972 flood still had devestating results in the surrounding communities. Many beautiful landmark dwellings and structures still survive from the areas haydays. In the coming weeks I will be updating this page to include many photographs of our areas historical sites and will be including more detailed information on our counties history.
Thanks for stopping by and come back often.

Now the Herdic House Restaurant, this was once the residence for one of Williamsports founders and architects Peter Herdic. Although not designed by Herdic but by Eber Culver; the home was built between 1854 and 1855. 

At this shot empty and since remodeled into offices the proud Herdic Place Hotel had the top two floors removed when it was renovated into the former Park Home. Originally, horsedrawn streetcar service connected the hotel to Market Street in the heart of Williamsport and directly adjoining was the main railroad depot. 

Constructed around 1890, the former City Hall was built on the former Ross Park. This historical building now houses various businesses and agencies. 
Annunciation Roman Catholic Church built in 1889 stands in the heart of Millionaires Row. The high spire pictured was never completed as during construction four workmen fell to their deaths. Father Garvy then ordered the tower to be capped at the present height.