

location of Krabcice

Krabcice is the place where I live. I was born and lived first two years of my life in Roudnice. After these two years we moved to Krabcice. My grandparents had a house here where my grandfather's family had lived for some generation. From this time I've lived there. But from the time when I was 14 years old, only at the weekends. During the week I was at school or in job. When I was in Norway, it was my fist time when I was away from my home for longer time.

Krabcice is an agricultural village. There are about 900 inhabitants. It consists from 3 parts : Krabcice, Rovne and Vesce. Some people work in agriculture. But most of people work in other places. Someone worked in Praha. The journey after building of highway doesn't take so long time.

Despite of some other villages around the amount of inhabitants of Krabcice doesn't decrease. In a part of Krabcice many new houses stand ant other are builded. Krabcice has good bus connection to other place, only at the weekends it is bad.

There are two pubs and two shops in Krabcice. There are school (first four years) and kindergarten. There is a football club - teams of children, juniors and adults, and a table tennis club. Of course there are YMCA and Tensing.

In Krabcice there is an evangelical church. In the middle of last 19th century a pastor Subrt found a school for young women. This school was changed to a church home for old people. In 1960 Czech state took it from church. Church got it back in 1991 as a part of Diakonie CCE. Diakonie tries to have a sensitive approach to people whom Diakonie takes care of. The Home for old people in Krabcice is rebuilding thanks gifts from The Czech republic and from abroad.

This Home has also important role for the village. It organizes various cultural events not only for its inhabitants but also for inhabitants from the village. Some years ago a symphonic orchestra from Minnesota,USA played in Krabcice. The Home offers services too - like a shop, tailor's.

The mountain of rip

rotunda na Řípu

Krabcice lays on the foot of the mountain Rip which plays an important part in Czech mythology and was also important in building of modern Czech nation. According to an old myth, an ancestor of all Czech, called forefather Cech(in English Czech), came with his people from Poland to Czech country, remounted Rip, looked around from its top and said :"This is a country which is full of milk and honey. We shall stay here". And from this time Czech people live there.

In 19. century people who built the modern Czech nation, used this myth. On Rip there were some big politic assembly of folk. And one of headstones of National theater in Prague was taken from Rip. Other stones was taken from other famous place known from Czech history.

On the top of Rip there is a chapel of Saint George which was built in 1126 as memorial of victory of Czech army leaded by Czech prince Sobeslav I. over german king Lothar III. in the battle at Chlumec.

Please, feel free to send your comments :bazinek@unl.pvt.cz

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