

Sign of YMCA

Part of YMCA Czech republic

Contact address :

YMCA Krabcice
Tomas Bazinek
Krabcice 16
CZ - 411 87 Krabcice
Czech republic
tel: ++420-411-854071
fax: ++420-411-854007

YMCA is divided to smaller parts - local associations which each of them is active in one particular place. Our local association was found in the beginning of October 1997. But its beginning reach to February 1995 when aTensing group started its activity.

First two years we belonged to YMCA Praha. It is interesting that events repeat. In 1998 Tensing Melnik started its activity under YMCA Krabcice. They had worked in half and a year under our local association. The local association in Melnik started on 1st January 2000. Tensing Melnik belongs now there.

The Children Carnival

Our local association isn't very big. At this moment we have 35 members. Our biggest and only regular activity is the Tensing group. Besides the Tensing group we organize some actions for children from our village.

In 1999 we organized a festival of alternative music Roudnice 99. There were circa 800 spectators. In 2000 we prepare it again. Pages abut Roudnice 99 2000.

Our TenSing group was found with a big support from the evangelical church in Krabcice. But we always wanted to found a local association of YMCA in Krabcice because YMCA is an ecumenical organization which is open for everybody without regards on his/her denomination or religion. Our cooperation with local church continues.

Please, feel free to send your comments, wishes and news to us :tomab@geocities.com

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