Welcome to our place. Here you will find lots of links, photographs of our family, scenic pics of New Zealand, also poetry that we have written.
We live in Kerikeri, in the Bay of Islands, Northland, on the east coast of the upper North Island of New Zealand.
My nickname on IRC is hopa, which is short for grashopa.
Click here to Break out of frames
Here is just a few of the things, I love to do in my spare time.
Our Journey to Recovery
Healing & Recovery Our story about the effects of abuse, and how we cope.
Poetry Heart & Soul [frames version]
Links to Resources
Our Family & Friends
Hopa's Photo Album More photos
Photos of New Zealand
Kerikeri in the beautiful Bay of Islands, where we now live :)
Web Rings that we belong to.
#poets_corner IRC channel for survivors to share poetry.
New Zealand
Please take note that all photos and written material are copyrighted and are the exclusive property of Cloudwalker &/or Hopa
Click Below to Visit The Wanderers
50's-60's Real Audio Oldies Music Site!
9th January 2005 CopyrightŠ1998-2005 cloudwalker and hopa