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THIS SITE WAS DESIGNED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. The MIDI files were collected from various sites on the internet. You may download any of the MIDI files from this site, but they are intended for PERSONAL USE ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT link any file to my site, as my ISP would be very unhappy. I did not sequence any of the MIDI files on this page. Whenever I have known the name of the file creator, I have sought and received permission to include their files here. Sequencers retain copyrights of their works. If you created any file that is not identified as yours and you want the credit reflected on this page, please let me know and I will gladly include your name and add a link to your e-mail and homepage. If any copyrights have been violated, PLEASE E-Mail me and I will remove the files as soon as possible.
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visitors from 5-27-97 to 9-30-98.
4095 persons have visited the Shorewoodplace Midi Music Odyssey
from 10-21-1998 to 9-10-2003.