Valdres Samband
The Oldest Bygdelag in America - 1899
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Membership Form 
Dues: $10/year, $27/3 years; $15/year in U.S. funds outside U.S. Send
name and address, and that of recipient if you are giving a gift. The Samband will send a
card announcing your gift.
Current Members
Total membership of the Valdres Samband lag is about 1177 members.
This page contains contact information for members of the Valdres Samband
who wish to share that information. From here you can send e-mail to lag members, or visit
their personal home pages by clicking the
next to their name. Note: This list intended for members only.
If you wish to be added to or deleted from this list, send an e-mail to
the Web Volunteer and since I do more than
one Web page, PLEASE indicate Valdres Samband
in your subject line. In addition, if your personal web page changes locations or
ceases, please contact the Web Volunteer so
I can update or delete my links. Thanks!
- Anderson, Dave
- Anderson, Owen
- Anderson, Paul
- Baker, Luci
- Belgum, Janni
- Belgum, Jim
- Benoit, Stephanie -

- Bergan, Donald
- Bergner, Peter -

- Bishop, Christine Veblen
- Blair, Elizabeth
- Boe, Douglas A.
- Bouett, Lawrence
- Bunde, Peter
- Cartwright, Larry & Dianne
- Cummings, Cheryl
- Dale, Alice E.
- Dewater, Christine
- Dodge, Charles M.
- Dolva, June Adele
- Eidsmoe Bertsch, Louise -

- Ellingboe, James
- Elmore, J. Russell & Avis Ann
- Evenson, Clemetta
- Farnsworth, Geri T J
- Felt, MaryAnn
- Fuglie, Winton
- Gale, Marty Julson
- Gesme, Ann Urness
- Gesme, Dean Hartley Sr.
- Gilbertson, Allen
- Gleboff, Nancy Gilbert (Vaarum)
- Granum, Tom
- Grayston, Shirley & Allan
- Groves, Nancy Laraby
- Gunelson, Be
- Haglund, Dan -

- Hande, D'Arcy
- Hanson, Karl N. -

- Hart, Vickie (Rosvold)
- Haugen, Anstein
- Haugstad, Lorraine
- Hayes, Doris
- Hendrickson, Mary Gilbertson
- Hicks, Martha J. -

- Holdahl, Erling and Shirley
- Holdahl, Tim
- Holien, Richard Andrew
- Homan, Ray & Elaine
- Hoyme, H. Eugene
- Huseboe, Kenneth
- Johnson, Jerome & Carleen
- Johnson, Keith & Leanne
- Johnson, Paul A. -

- Johnson-Marsolek, Paula -

- Jones, Alexa Chase
- Karlsgodt, Andy
- Kittleson, Duane
- Kjelland-Lawrence, Susan
- Klee, A.
- Kolstad, Kristina
- Lampley, Bonnie
- Larson, Ken -

- Lindberg, Karolyn -

- Lien, Perry L.
- Lonnes, Jerome L.
- Moriarty, Jeffrey P. -

- Michelsen, Amy & Michael
- Napper, Karyl
- Neste, David & Lorie
- Neste, Norman & Virginia
- Newby, Tom
- Nordaker, Craig & Jane
- Olson, Glen
- Paulson, Cathy
- Peloquin, Susan
- Peterson, Duane D.
- Peterson, John D. -

- Picard, Sue
- Ranum, Curtis
- Riedesel, Gail Ann
- Robertson, Jana -

- Roth, Melissa Boen
- Saether (Skarasetter), Harold Edward
- Sather, Wayne
- Savre-Hansen, Michelle
- Sandercott (Nysven),Ann
- Schaleger, Larry
- Scheffel, Jo & Paul
- Severson, Swede
- Skogman, Robert
- Smith, Evelyn
- Struska, Gayle
- Tandberg, Rolf & Sharon
- Thompson, O.T.
- Thoreson, Tom
- Thorstenson, Marjory A.
- Ulberg, Dan -

- Ulness, Mervin
- Ulrich, Garth
- Ulstad, Jack & Donna
- Wasson, Trudy
- Wick, James
- Wilder-Jones, Robert E.
- Winistorfer, Jo Ann
For problems or questions regarding this web site, contact the Web Volunteer: Cathy Paulson
For suggestions or contributions to the content of this web page contact: ValdresSamband
Last updated: July 30, 2003.