fairy on leaf    That's Me....Cute Huh :)    fairy on leaf

Tazmanien Devil ME

Actually this is a picture of my twin : )

My favorite pass time used to be painting in oils,
(I do have some awesome paintings all over my house)
I love to read just about any good book, especially Dean Koontz
Now I am addicted to the Computer and the Internet
Just like most of my friends : )

P.S. Oh... Just to let you know, I do have a wonderful pet, check out my POM page.

gift from badangel
Thanks Badangel :)


Midi courtesy of MFC Title, Pretty Woman

Now to something sad... My Mother passed away on March 5th 1998
In a moment of grief I made a rememberence page for her

Princess Diana | Interests | Pomeranian | Fun Stuff | Poems | Me
Scavanger Hunts | Home Towns | Awards | Gifts Links
Missing Children | Laura | Angels | Fairies | Rings