Wigwam Vacation Page
Rhea and Becky's 
Rhea and Becky came to visit us during Becky's Spring Break and we had a really good time!! They went on field trips with both Austin & Amber, we went to downtown Glendale, to Scottsdale Fashion Square and visited some GREAT model homes!! Luissette got them a fantastic rate at the Wigwam Resort (where she works) and it was just gorgeous!! It's right across the street from the school the kids go to and I work at (in Litchfield Park) and it's 2 minutes from our house. Here are the pictures:

Wigwam Grounds

Their Casita

Rhea, Becky and the kids

The kids in downtown Glendale

At the playground by Rhea & Becky's Casita

Amber at the playground by their room

Austin at the playground