Austin finished up his 2nd grade year and had a BLAST! He was tested for the gifted program and will be placed in the non-verbal gifted class next year (basically means he's a visual learner *S*). His teacher's cat had kittens and we got a new kitty from her. Check out the cats page. Austin is looking forward to his birthday in June (wants a Fear Factor party) and his summer full of bowling, reading, swimming lessons and OF COURSE the PS 2!! He also finished his year of Cub Scouts!!

Playing games with Pop-Pop

With his Cub Scout den

With Dad & Amber on Halloween

Check out his Birthday Page- June 2004

Check out his Cub Scout Page!!

Check outAustin's Room !!

Check outAustin & Ethan !!

Check out Austin at swimming lessons-Summer 2004