Military nurse corps officers have contributed significantly
America's effort in all of its wars and have made great
sacrifices. The
list of heroic deeds and outstanding accomplishment of women in
Army, Air Force and Navy Nurse Corps has yet to be told. Their
reflect great commitment to service, love for their Country, for
fellowman, for fellow Americans and for freedom.
I dedicate this graphic to Virginia Babb Marin
(former Lt. US
Nurse Corps)
and to all who served to save and to heal
our members of the United States Armed Forces.
We owe you so much . . .
I was born in the year that a Butterfinger candy bar cost 5 cents, the year President Roosevelt inaugurated the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, and the year Elizabeth Taylor was born!
I graduated from St. Theresa High School in Coral Gables, Florida, and received my education as a Registered Nurse from Columbia Hospital, after which I served in the United States Navy Nurse Corps for ten years.
I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, English minor, at Lone Mountain College in San Francisco, California (in 1976, LMC merged with the University of San Francisco) and completed a fifth year at LMC earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education with special permission to attach Colonial American History. Master of Science in Elementary Education at the University of California at Berkeley. You can usually find me reading, working with miniatures, or surfing the 'net. A favorite friend and loving companion is Lyndale, White Snow of McAlpin, my darling 6-year-old Bichon Frise, who answers to the name of "Bear".
Genealogical research is a favorite activity of mine. I am a researcher who enjoys preserving the past with links to the future. I am not a certified genealogist, but I am willing to help you in any way that I can. I am happy to answer any questions relevant to my site, and to provide birth, death or marriage dates. I do not anticipate making that data available on site, but will give upon contact.
I enjoy membership in the following orgainzations:
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Colonial Dames XVII Century
Daughters of the American Colonists (DAC)
Magna Charta Dames
Plantagenet Society
Huguenot Society of South Carolina
Colonial Order of the Crown
United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC)
MacFie Clan Society, North America
Greenville Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society
Society for Creative Anachronism
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