TIPS and TRICKS from a G.S. Leader

Here are some handy tips and tricks that would be helpful to new Girl Scout leaders. Most of the items will pertain to younger Girl Scouts as my experience as a leader includes Daisy, 1st grade Brownies, and 2nd grade Brownies so far. You may find some things that I remember from Scouting as a girl included also.

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Create a troop newsletter

Tired of repeating yourself everytime you need to communicate something important? Try a troop newsletter. Here are some ideas for articles and snip-its to include in your newsletter:

Great Girl Scout graphics can be found on the Graphmaster page.

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Tired of mass confusion before the meeting as the girls arrive? Here are some ideas to try:


This works great for Daisy's and Brownie's.
Supplies needed: paper and crayons

Guessing games

Games like "Bee, Bee, Bumble Bee" or "I Spy" that girls can join into as they enter the room. Also, it's important to have a game that the girls can do on their own so you can discuss meeting plans with other leaders and greet parents before the meeting. Supplies need: imagination

Song circle

Have the girls take turns suggesting a song that the group can sing.


    This works well especially for groups large enough to utilize the patrol system.
  1. Have a kaper chart so the girls know which patrol is in charge of the Opening Ceremony, Snack, and Closing Ceremony.
  2. Have three folders: opening ceremony, snack, and closing ceremony. Each folder will contain an outline of ideas for each area. For example, the opening ceremony folder will contain ideas for the opening ceremony: Flag ceremony, song, Girl Scout Promise, Girl Scout Law. The girls can take these ideas and mix and match to create the ceremony they want.
  3. The girls will assign tasks within their groups as necessary. For example, if they choose a flag ceremony they will need a "caller", "flag bearer", and "color guard."
  4. The girls will stay occupied and have everything planned. This should take about the first five minutes of the meeting.

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