
Family Ties
In loving memory of my mother, Audrey March 29, 1921 - November 28, 2000
Audrey at our house April 1999 before she started all her cancer treatments and surgeries |
And now, I'd like to introduce the rest of our immediate family. |
When we're very young, we believe our parents know everything, can do everything, are invincible and immortal. As we grow, we learn that they are only human, with feelings of their own, and prone to human mistakes. As we go through our teenage years, very often we do a complete about-face in our thinking toward our parents, believing them to be total idiots who don't know what's going on. Finally, as we mature and become adults, and especially if we become parents ourselves, we develop anew a deeper respect and love for our own parents. Unfortunately, this is also the time we realize they're not immortal, and that one day we will have to face the world without them. This hit home for Jim and I recently, as Jim's mother had a heart attack in December of 1997, and had to have a quintuple bypass surgery. She's doing very well right now, thankfully. Jim's father underwent triple bypass surgery in the fall of 2000, and is also doing very well. My mother developed lung cancer and had surgery in October of 1997. She recovered from that, but then found out she had throat cancer in the spring of 1999. She underwent radiation, but that didn't get it all, so she then had her larynx removed. She was in the hospital or a nursing home for the better part of 1999. She finally went home in February of 2000, but she never recovered the way she was expected to. Finally, in November 2000, she was admitted to the hospital again, because of difficulty breathing. Many tests were done, and it was discovered that she again had cancer in one of her lungs, and this time it was extensive. It was also throughout her whole body. She also had developed a heart condition that which the doctors were reluctant to operate on, due to her advanced cancer and weakness. She was given a month to live. We were able to visit with her in the hospital over the Thanksgiving holiday, and then on Tuesday, November 28, she passed away, with my dad by her side. |
Bill and Audrey my mom and dad at our house April of 1999 |
Roy and Ruby Jim's mom and dad at brother Bruce's wedding October 1998 |
Audrey with Stephen April 1999 |
Bill with Stephen October 1999 |
Ruby with Stephen June 1999 |
Roy with Stephen January 1999 |
I wasn't blessed with any brothers or sisters, but Jim comes from a large family. He had four brothers and two sisters. His two older brothers have passed away, one in a motorcycle accident when they were in high school, and one in the spring of 1986, in a construction accident. He has two younger brothers, Mike and Bruce, and two younger sisters, Ellen and Jill. Mike is married to Rebecca, Bruce is married to Shelly, Ellen is married to Kevin, and Jill is married to Craig. |
Easter 1999
 Left to right Kneeling: Bruce, Jim with Stephen, Candy Standing: Jeremy, Audrey, Bill, Shelly, Roy, Ruby, Ellen, Kevin |
Stephen's Baptism, May 1999
 Left to right Kneeling: Jim with Stephen, Jeremy, Candy Standing: Mike, Rebecca, Bill, Audrey Roy and Ruby In addition to being Stephen's Aunt and Uncle Mike and Rebecca are also his Godparents |
Jill and Craig couldn't be with us for Easter or Stephen's baptism, when the above pictures were taken. |
Here are Jill and Craig with Jeremy and Stephen when they came to visit in June of 1999. |
In November 2000, Bruce and Shelly were blessed with a baby boy. Here is Stephen with his new cousin Jacob in April 2001 |
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Updated on 12-31-2003
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