A Tale Of Two Cities

A short distance from where I live are the "twin cities" of Houghton and Hancock. They are separated by the Portage Canal, which cuts the Keweenaw Peninsula in half. Houghton is on the southern side, Hancock on the north. Most of these pictures were taken from the Hancock side, at a scenic overlook, looking toward Houghton. The one of the ski hill was taken from the Houghton side, looking across the canal to the ski hill, which is on the north side of the canal.

I will have more pictures of Hancock soon.

The City of Houghton was founded during the nation's first mining boom. Douglass Houghton was the state's first geologist and documented the rich copper deposits of the Keweenaw Peninsula.

By 1865 the City of Houghton was a thriving shipping port and business cultural center for the mining district. After the decline of the mining industry, the region suffered and the population decreased by half between 1920 and 1970. After this disaster, the City of Houghton found economic recovery in it's waterfront, historic buildings, beautiful scenery, and winter tourism.

Portage Canal and Michigan Tech
(tall buildings in the center)

Houghton has benefited from it's close contact with Michigan Technological University. Founded in 1885 as the Michigan Mining School, it became Michigan Technological University in 1964 and is known today as one of the finest engineering schools in the country.

Portage Canal, Portage Lake Lift Bridge, and City of Houghton

The Portage Lake Lift Bridge was opened on December 20, 1959. It replaces an old swing bridge built in the 1890's. According to the Houghton County Road Commision, about 30,000 vehicles cross the bridge each day.

Highway M-26, heading southwest out of Houghton

Commerce in the the City of Houghton, and Houghton County, is abundant and varied. Houghton has appliance stores, auto dealerships, parts stores and service centers, barbers, bed and breakfasts, bakeries, banks, bookstores, retail stores, and discount stores such as Wal Mart and Shopko, fast food as well as finer restaurants, jewelers, hotels and motels, theaters, sporting goods stores, and much more. It is also home to many religious denominations, and has an excellent education system. A new state of the art hospital was recently opened in Hancock.

Mont Ripley

Located on the north side of the canal, the Mont Ripley ski hill provides local patrons as well as tourists an enjoyable winter activity.

Also located on the north side of the canal, the City of Hancock was platted in 1859, and is the northern most city in Michigan. It has a strong Finnish heritage, and is the home of Finlandia University. Established in 1896 as Soumi College, and renamed in 2000, it is the only private college in the Upper Peninsula, one of only 28 colleges in the U.S. affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the only college founded by Finns in America.

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Updated on 9-11-06

A kitten's work
Is never done.
There's air to chase--
Ten ways to run.

It takes all day
To fill my eyes
With sunny grass
And butterflies.

For spot from chuckles :"


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