bullet Susie YOUNG was born Private.

She was married to William , Jr. Tipton ALFRED Private. Children were: Tonya TIPTON, Shona TIPTON.

bullet Susie YOUNG was born Private.(1)

She was married to William Alfred , Jr. TIPTON Private. (1) Children were: Tonya TIPTON, Shona TIPTON.

bullet Tony YOUNG was born Private.

He was married to Lela Alice GOLDEN Private. Children were: Carol YOUNG .

bullet Tony YOUNG was born Private.(1)

He was married to Lela Alice GOLDEN Private. (1) Children were: Carol YOUNG.

bullet Virgil Leroy YOUNG was born Private.(1) Parents: James YOUNG and Tamsel Ambrillo (Ambie) ANTHONY.

bullet Woodie William YOUNG was born Private.(1) Parents: James YOUNG and Tamsel Ambrillo (Ambie) ANTHONY.

bullet Zanza Lee YOUNG was born Private.

She was married to Kenneth Roy ISBELL Private. Children were: Linda Lee ISBELL.

bullet YOUNGNER was born WFT Est. 1841-1900.(16300) He died WFT Est. 1866-1975.(16301)

He was married to Sophia YOUNG WFT Est. 1866-1931. (16302)

bullet Mary YOUNT was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private.

Children were: Kathryn Marie CUNDALL, Glenda Ann CUNDALL.

bulletShirley Ann YOUREE was born Private.

She was married to James William POTTER Private. Children were: Johnny Jay POTTER, Debby Kay POTTER.

bullet Shirley Ann YOUREE was born Private.(1)

She was married to James William POTTER Private. (1) Children were: Johnny Jay POTTER, Debby Kay POTTER.

bullet Anita ZETTEL was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private.

Children were: Dale Thomas BAIRD, Laurie Rose BAIRD, Larry Michael BAIRD, Sandra Mae BAIRD.

bulletDaniel J. W. ZIKKING was born Private. Parents: Roy Edward HALL and Joan Davidson MILLAR.

He was married to Alice KING Private. Children were: Tina ZIKKING.

bullet Tina ZIKKING was born Private. Parents: Daniel J. W. ZIKKING and Alice KING.

bullet David E ZINK was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private.

bulletMerita ZIPPERER.

Children were: Thomas HUMPHREY , Micah HUMPHREY.

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