bullet Judith MORTON was born WFT Est. 1720-1756. She died WFT Est. 1741-1836.

She was married to James VENABLE WFT Est. 1741-1787.

bullet Unknown MORTON

She was married to Archibald ALEXANDER .

bullet xx MORTON was born WFT Est. 1741-1777. He died WFT Est. 1768-1855.

He was married to Ann LEWIS WFT Est. 1768-1812.

bullet Mary Allah MOSELEY was born Private.

She was married to Jacob Patton Ernest QUEEN Private.

bullet Kathleen MOSLEY was born Private.(1)

She was married to Robert Victor THOMPSON Private. (1)

bullet Dorothy MOSS

Children were: Joshua STAPP.

bulletJane MOSS.

She was married to Idus Camden FIELDS .

bullet Unknown MOSS was born WFT Est. 1888-1908. He died WFT Est. 1922-1994.

He was married to Annie B. SAMPLES WFT Est. 1919-1951.

bullet Jeanne Marie MOTA was born Private.

She was married to Randolph Eugene FISHER Private. Children were: Amanda Jean FISHER, Eric Randolph FISHER.

bullet Ernest MOULDER

He was married to Martha Ella HUMPHREY on 10 Dec 1913.

bullet Lee , Jr Sessions MOULTRIE was born Private. Parents: Lee Moultrie SESSIONS and Mary Warren Newcomb LAWRENCE .

He was married to Jayne UNKNOWN Private. Children were: Lee Moultrie III SESSIONS, Kevin Mann SESSIONS, Landon H. SESSIONS.

bullet Donald MOUNCE was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private.

Children were: Laura Leigh MOUNCE.

bulletLaura Leigh MOUNCE was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private. Parents: Donald MOUNCE and Margaret Vivian SUTHERLAND.

bullet William MOURFIELD

He was married to Maudell M. HUMPHREY in 1919.

bullet Evelyn MOYERS was born in 1873 in JacksonCounty, Ky.. She died in 1940 in Indiana.

She was married to Allen POWELL WFT Est. 1890-1920.

bullet Clifford C. MUELLER was born Private. He was buried Private.

He was married to Frieda Elizabeth JONES Private.

bullet Learnard J. MUELLER was born Private. He was buried Private.

He was married to Frances Marie JONES Private.

bullet Vera Lee MUETZE was born Private. She Christened Private.

She was married to Harry Lee LAWSON Private.

bullet Carol Joyce MULLANE was born on 23 May 1945.(10729) She died UNKNOWN.(10730) Parents: Robert Eugene MULLANE and Frances Mae GUNTER.

She was married to Louie BAILON Private. Children were: Lisa Marie BAILON, Sabra BALION.

She was married to Robert HAMILTON Private. Children were: Christopher HAMILTON, Taylor HAMILTON.

bullet Jessica MULLANE was born Private. Parents: Michael Timothy MULLANE and Sharon BLANCHARRD.

bullet Melissa MULLANE was born Private. Parents: Michael Timothy MULLANE and Darleen BONAR.

bullet Michael Timothy MULLANE was born Private. Parents: Robert Eugene MULLANE and Frances Mae GUNTER.

He was married to Darleen BONAR Private. Children were: Michelle Renne MULLANE, Shannon MULLANE, Melissa MULLANE.

He was married to Sharon BLANCHARRD Private. Children were: Jessica MULLANE, Rachelle MULLANE.

bullet Michelle Renne MULLANE was born Private. Parents: Michael Timothy MULLANE and Darleen BONAR.

She was married to JOLLY Private. Children were: Sarah JOLLLY.

She was married to Steve BREEDEN Private.

bullet Rachelle MULLANE was born Private. Parents: Michael Timothy MULLANE and Sharon BLANCHARRD.

bullet Robert Eugene MULLANE was born Private.

He was married to Frances Mae GUNTER Private. Children were: Carol Joyce MULLANE, Michael Timothy MULLANE.

bullet Shannon MULLANE was born Private. Parents: Michael Timothy MULLANE and Darleen BONAR.

She was married to Not KNOWN Private.

bullet Brandon MULLEN was born Private. Parents: Lynn MULLEN and Jullie Lynn WAYER.

bullet Clinton MULLEN was born Private. Parents: Lynn MULLEN and Jullie Lynn WAYER.

bullet Lynn MULLEN was born Private.

He was married to Jullie Lynn WAYER Private. Children were: Clinton MULLEN , Brandon MULLEN.

bullet Alta Finily MULLINAX was born WFT Est. 1857-1877. (10731)(10732) She died WFT Est. 1878-1951.(10733) (10734)

She was married to Albert Westmoreland "Wes" , Jr. GILLISPIE WFT Est. 1878-1911. (10735)

bullet Hazel MULLINAX

bulletLavisa Viola "Ola" MULLINAX was born WFT Est. 1857-1877. (10736)(10737) She died WFT Est. 1878-1951.(10738) (10739)

She was married to Albert Westmoreland "Wes" , Jr. GILLISPIE WFT Est. 1878-1911. (10740)

bullet Joe MUNDY

bulletDean , Jr. Dunwody MUNRO was born on 29 Sep 1859. (10741) He died on 3 Oct 1926.(10742) Parents: Dean Munro DUNWODY and Catharine Elizabeth MCDONALD.

bullet Clarice Josephine MUNSIL was born Private. Parents: Theodore R. MUNSIL and Eugenia Lucille LOVE.

bullet Shirley Marie MUNSIL was born Private. Parents: Theodore R. MUNSIL and Eugenia Lucille LOVE.

bullet Theodore R. MUNSIL was born Private.

Children were: Clarice Josephine MUNSIL, Shirley Marie MUNSIL.

bulletLinda MUNSON was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private.

Children were: Ryan Christopher SCHOLZ.

bulletFred M. MURCHISON was born Private. He Fact 1 (2) Private.

Children were: Fred Sydnor MURCHISON.

bulletFred Sydnor MURCHISON was born Private. He Fact 1 (2) Private. Parents: Fred M. MURCHISON and Vera Avis ATMAR.

bullet Mary Jane MURCHISON was born on 25 Nov 1805.

She was married to Daniel SOUTHERLAND on 15 May 1823 in Cumberland County, North Carolina. Children were: Mary Ann SOUTHERLAND, John H. SOUTHERLAND, James R. SOUTHERLAND.

bullet Ernest MURPHY

bulletMartha Couper MURPHY was born Private.

She was married to Burwell Atkinson RUSSELL Private. Children were: Nena RUSSELL, Burwell , Jr. Russell ATKINSON , Marion Frasier RUSSELL, Carol King RUSSELL, Deirdre RUSSELL.

bullet Patricia MURPHY was born Private. She Fact 1 (2) Private.

bulletRobert Ruel MURPHY was born Private.

He was married to Ruth Katherine BRASHER Private.

bullet Wilbur P. MURPHY

He was married to Lurone BULLOCK on 4 Apr 1942 in Michigan.

bullet William MURPHY was born between 1661 and 1698 in prob Ireland. He died between 1687 and 1751.

He was married to Elizabeth ECHOLS between 1687 and 1732.

bullet Betty Jo MURR was born Private.(1)

She was married to Jerry William RAINES Private. (1) Children were: Larry Wayne RAINES, Rose Marie RAINES, Judith Ann RAINES, Geraldine RAINES, Wanda Laverne RAINES, Ruby Mae RAINES, Carolyn Sue RAINES, Oleta Faye RAINES, Evelyn Kay RAINES.

bullet Bonnie Mae MURR was born Private.(1)

She was married to Jerry William RAINES Private. (1) Children were: Dale Willey RAINES, Melvin Ray RAINES, Jerry Ben RAINES, Bonnie Elaine RAINES, Johnny Wayne RAINES.

bullet Verna Maxine MURRAY was born Private.

Children were: Maxine Joyce JACKSON, Thurman Hinson II JACKSON .

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