bullet Nickole Dee MOFFETT was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private. Parents: ? MOFFETT and Linda Gail CUMMINGS.

bullet Sherrie Lynn MOKE was born Private.(1)

She was married to Randall Joe SIMMS Private. (1) Children were: Sarah Meagan SIMMS.

bullet Shad Dustin MOLCK was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private. Parents: Steven Dennis MOLCK and Kristin Sue FARIS.

bullet Steffani Diane MOLCK was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private. Parents: Steven Dennis MOLCK and Kristin Sue FARIS.

bullet Steven Dennis MOLCK was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private.

Children were: Steffani Diane MOLCK, Shad Dustin MOLCK.

bulletJames William (Billy) MONDELL was born on 3 Mar 1951 in Eunice, Lea, NM. (1) He died on 23 Jul 1968 in Las Vegas, Clark, NV. (1) !Billy was killed in an Automible Accident. Parents: Joseph John MONDELL and Elizabeth Ann BERTRAND .

bullet Joseph John MONDELL was born Private.(1)

He was married to Elizabeth Ann BERTRAND Private. (1) Children were: James William (Billy) MONDELL.

bullet MONROE was born about 1780.(10502) He died WFT Est. 1811-1871.(10503)

He was married to Margaret COFFEY WFT Est. 1811-1845. (10504)

bullet Edward Alan MONROE (Private). Parents: Leonard Edward MONROE and Harriet Gail STANDRIDGE.

bulletJames Brett MONROE (Private). Parents: Leonard Edward MONROE and Harriet Gail STANDRIDGE.

bullet Leonard Edward MONROE

He was married to Harriet Gail STANDRIDGE on 28 Feb 1958 in Clayton County, Georgia. Children were: Edward Alan MONROE, Robert Blake MONROE, James Brett MONROE.

bullet Robert Blake MONROE (Private). Parents: Leonard Edward MONROE and Harriet Gail STANDRIDGE.

bullet William MONTAGUE was born WFT Est. 1651-1671. He died WFT Est. 1685-1757.

He was married to Elizabeth LEWIS WFT Est. 1682-1715.

bullet Jimmy MONTEITH was born Private.

He was married to Celest PANTY Private. Children were: Lindsay Nicole MONTEITH.

bullet Jimmy MONTEITH was born Private.(1)

He was married to Celest PANTY Private. (1) Children were: Lindsay Nicole MONTEITH .

bullet Lindsay Nicole MONTEITH was born Private. Parents: Jimmy MONTEITH and Celest PANTY.

bullet Lindsay Nicole MONTEITH was born Private.(1) Parents: Jimmy MONTEITH and Celest PANTY.

bullet Ashlie Tairez MONTGOMERY was born Private. Parents: Donald MONTGOMERY and Merry Beth AUMAN.

bullet Conner James MONTGOMERY was born Private. Parents: Donald MONTGOMERY and Merry Beth AUMAN.

bullet Donald MONTGOMERY was born Private.

Children were: Ashlie Tairez MONTGOMERY, Conner James MONTGOMERY .

bulletGary MONTGOMERY was born Private.

He was married to Sara Alice GRAGG Private.

bullet Lawson MONTGOMERY was born about 1793.(10505) He died WFT Est. 1824-1884.(10506)

He was married to Mary (Polly) STAPP WFT Est. 1824-1858.(10507)

bullet Andrew MOODY

bulletAndrew (Andy) MOODY was born Private.

He was married to Sybil Jane CASTLEBERRY Private.

bullet Andrew (Andy) MOODY was born Private.(1)

He was married to Sybil Jane CASTLEBERRY Private. (1)

bullet Lucinda MOODY was born WFT Est. 1841-1865. She died WFT Est. 1884-1954.

She was married to John Howard JACKSON in 1879.

bullet Archibald MOON

He was married to Arminda SAMPLES on 7 Oct 1869.

bullet Barbara Janice MOON (Private).

bulletElizabeth MOON was born about 1786 in Albemarle Co., VA. (10508) She died WFT Est. 1802-1880. (10509)

She was married to Jeremiah CLEVELAND WFT Est. 1802-1831.(10510)

bullet Joe Malachi MOON

He was married to Mary Lou HOLDER .

bullet Lula B. MOON

She was married to George Franklin REID .

bullet Martha MOON was born about 1857.(1) She died about 1907.(1)

She was married to Albert H. REEDER WFT Est. 1873-1897.(1) Children were: Robert M. REEDER.

bullet John MOONE was born in 1600 in Berry, Parish of Stoak, Hampshire, England. He died on 12 Aug 1655.

He was married to Susan UNKNOWN before Oct 1635. Children were: Mary MOONE.

bullet Mary MOONE was born about 1630. She died after 1712 in Virginia. Parents: John MOONE and Susan UNKNOWN.

Children were: Mary GREEN.

bulletParks MOONEY.

bulletPerry Luster MOONEYHAM was born Private.

He was married to Melva Lou ISBELL Private.

bullet Amber MOORE (Private). Parents: Lewis Ray MOORE and Emmylou ISBELL.

bullet Bertha Mabell MOORE was born Private.

She was married to Cecil Agustus QUEEN Private. Children were: Ralph QUEEN, Irene QUEEN, Bernice QUEEN, Ruth QUEEN.

bullet Bidant MOORE was born on 3 May 1775.(10511) She died on 13 Jan 1851 in WayneCounty, KY. (10512) Parents: .

She was married to Lewis Russell COFFEY on 10 Dec 1795 in Wilkes Co, NC. (10513) Children were: Elizabeth COFFEY , Mary COFFEY, James Lewis COFFEY, Henderson COFFEY, Edward Northcraft Cullom COFFEY, Rachel COFFEY , Shelby COFFEY, Jesse Moore COFFEY, Benjamin Franklin COFFEY, Thomas Coleman COFFEY, Cleveland L. COFFEY.

bullet Biddy MOORE was born WFT Est. 1749-1784.(10514) She died WFT Est. 1770-1865.(10515)

She was married to Lewis Russell COFFEY WFT Est. 1770-1814.(10516)

bullet Britney Morgan MOORE was born Private.(1) Parents: Terry Weldon , Sr. MOORE and Elizabeth Carol ALBERTS.

bullet Carl MOORE was born Private. Parents: Clarence MOORE and Una Mae TIPTON.

bullet Carl MOORE was born Private.(1) Parents: Clarence MOORE and Una Mae TIPTON.

bullet Carol Ann MOORE was born Private.

She was married to James Edmund LOWE Private. Children were: Regina Catherine LOWE, Rebecca Louise LOWE, Sherry Ann LOWE.

bullet Carol Ann MOORE was born Private.(1)

She was married to James Edmund LOWE Private. (1) Children were: Regina Catherine LOWE, Rebecca Louise LOWE , Sherry Ann LOWE.

bullet Charlie MOORE

Children were: Jimmy MOORE, Wayne MOORE, Edna Ruth MOORE, Wanda MOORE.

bulletChristopher MOORE was born Private.

He was married to Alesia Rene CASTLEBERRY Private.

bullet Christopher MOORE was born Private.(1)

He was married to Alesia Rene CASTLEBERRY Private. (1)

bullet Cindy MOORE (Private). Parents: Lewis Ray MOORE and Emmylou ISBELL.

bullet Clarence MOORE was born Private.

He was married to Una Mae TIPTON Private. Children were: Joyce MOORE , Carl MOORE.

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