bullet Sandra Doree' DEROSSETT was born Private. Parents: Raymond Regnal DEROSSETT and Alberta Inezz GARDNER .

Children were: Susan Renee' RALEY, Cheryl Kay RALEY.

bulletSusan Charleen DEROSSETT was born Private. Parents: Raymond Regnal DEROSSETT and Alberta Inezz GARDNER .

Children were: Charles Leroy HAMES, Karen Rachel HAMES, Sharon Lynn HAMES.

bulletTanya Rae' DEROSSETT was born Private. Parents: Mitchell Jean DEROSSETT and Sandra Jane HUBBARD.

bullet Robert , Jr Lawrence DETREVILLE was born on 7 Oct 1872. (5494) He died WFT Est. 1873-1962. (5495) Parents: Robert deTreville LAWRENCE and Anne Elizabeth ATKINSON.

bullet Jacque DETTRICH was born Private.

She was married to Hiram STANFORD Private. Children were: Infant Boy STANFORD, Ellen Mavis STANFORD, Rudy Valentine STANFORD.

bullet DEWANDA was born Private.

She was married to Brandon QUEEN Private. Children were: Ammy QUEEN.

bullet DIANNE was born Private.

She was married to Lonnie William WOODS Private. Children were: Kelly Ann WOODS , Rebecca Dianne WOODS.

bullet DIANNE was born Private.(1)

She was married to Lonnie William WOODS Private. (1) Children were: Kelly Ann WOODS, Rebecca Dianne WOODS.

bullet Delia DIAZ was born Private.(1) Parents: Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ and Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN.

bullet Gloria DIAZ was born Private.(1) Parents: Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ and Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN.

bullet Jimmy DIAZ was born Private.(1) Parents: Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ and Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN.

bullet Marilou DIAZ was born Private.(1) Parents: Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ and Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN.

bullet Narcisco , Jr. DIAZ was born Private.(1) Parents: Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ and Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN.

bullet Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ was born Private.(1)

He was married to Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN Private. (1) Children were: Jimmy DIAZ, Delia DIAZ, Gloria DIAZ, Narcisco , Jr. DIAZ, Renato DIAZ, Zenaida DIAZ, Marilou DIAZ.

bullet Renato DIAZ was born Private.(1) Parents: Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ and Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN.

bullet Zenaida DIAZ was born Private.(1) Parents: Narcisco , Sr. DIAZ and Inocensia (Esin) DEGUZMAN.

bullet Betsy DICK was born about 1780.(5496) She died WFT Est. 1809-1874.(5497)

She was married to Robert WHITESIDE WFT Est. 1809-1843 in WayneCounty, KY.(5498)

bullet James M. DICKENS was born WFT Est. 1805-1836. He died WFT Est. 1858-1922.

He was married to Sarah Jane POWELL on 16 Aug 1853 in EstillCounty, Ky.. Children were: Sarah J. DICKENS .

bullet Sarah J. DICKENS was born in 1854 in EstillCounty, Ky.. She died on 5 Aug 1884 in FloydCounty, Ky.. Parents: James M. DICKENS and Sarah Jane POWELL.

She was married to William HARPER on 16 Jun 1872 in ClarkCounty, Indiana.

bullet Brian William DICKERSON was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private. Parents: Joseph Albert DICKERSON and Ruth Revalee MEIER.

bullet David Luther DICKERSON was born on 16 Oct 1900. (5499)(5500) He died WFT Est. 1919-1991.(5501) (5502)

He was married to Julia Frances GILLESPIE WFT Est. 1918-1943.(5503)

bullet Deanna Delcenia (Del) DICKERSON was born Private.(1)

She was married to Dewey Wayne , Sr. WALTERS Private.(1) Children were: Dewey Wayne , Jr. WALTERS, Kenneth Dale WALTERS .

bullet Eric Vern DICKERSON was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private. Parents: Joseph Albert DICKERSON and Ruth Revalee MEIER.

bullet Joseph Albert DICKERSON was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private.

Children were: Brian William DICKERSON, Eric Vern DICKERSON, Mark Joseph DICKERSON .

bulletMark Joseph DICKERSON was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private. Parents: Joseph Albert DICKERSON and Ruth Revalee MEIER.

bullet Bertha Ann DIEMER was born on 8 Jul 1892 in AR. She died on 6 Feb 1980 in Bauxite, Saline Co, AR.

She was married to Claude Charles HOLDER on 2 Jul 1910. Children were: Martin Claude HOLDER, Mary Jane HOLDER, Matilda Lee HOLDER, John Henry HOLDER, Oscar Frank HOLDER, Charles Earl HOLDER.

bullet Jacob DILLINGER

bulletAnne DILLON was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private.

Children were: Kayette COTTON, Thomas Henry , Jr COTTON, ReNae Lynette COTTON , William Jay COTTON.

bulletFrank DINAN.

He was married to Margaret Charlotte WOOD.

bullet John DISHAROON

bulletSee Other DISK was born WFT Est. 1879-1902.(5504) (5505) She died WFT Est. 1880-1973. (5506)(5507) Parents: Martha Ann Virginia GILLISPIE .

bullet Homer Jasper DISSPAIN

bulletEsther DITTRICH was born Private.

She was married to Virgil Nathanial BRASHER Private.

bullet James DIVERTY was born Private.

Children were: Joleen DIVERTY.

bulletJoleen DIVERTY was born Private. Parents: James DIVERTY and Sabrina Marie GARDNER.

bullet Nicholas J. DIX was born about 1888.(5508) He died WFT Est. 1919-1979.(5509)

He was married to Ella Maud JONES WFT Est. 1919-1954. (5510)

bullet DIXON was born Private.

bulletJohn Timothy DIXON was born Private. He was a Private. He Interment Private. He Also Known As Private. He Documentation Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Documentation (2) Private. He Source (2) Private. He Source (3) Private. He Source (4) Private. He Source (5) Private.

bulletMamie DIXON was born Private.

bulletEdna DOAN was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private.

Children were: Gladys Faye MATIER, Douglas Charles MATIER, Cecil William MATIER , Kenneth Earl MATIER.

bulletDenice DOBBS was born Private.

She was married to Paul Wayne HOLLIS Private. Children were: Angie HOLLIS , James Paul HOLLIS, Shannon Denice HOLLIS.

bullet Denice DOBBS was born Private.(1)

She was married to Paul Wayne HOLLIS Private. (1) Children were: Angie HOLLIS, James Paul HOLLIS, Shannon Denice HOLLIS.

bullet Linda DOCKSTEADER was born Private. She was a Private. She Interment Private. She Also Known As Private. She Documentation Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Documentation (2) Private. She Source (2) Private. She Source (3) Private. She Source (4) Private. She Source (5) Private.

Children were: Rene BAYKEY.

bulletBarbara DODD was born Private.(1) Parents: Leon DODD and Lucille MELTON.

bullet Barron DODD Parents: Vance S. DODD and Belva FIELDS.

bullet Dorothy DODD Parents: Vance S. DODD and Belva FIELDS.

bullet Leon DODD was born Private.(1)

He was married to Lucille MELTON Private. (1) Children were: Barbara DODD.

bullet Louie DODD Parents: Vance S. DODD and Belva FIELDS.

bullet Vance S. DODD

He was married to Belva FIELDS on 27 Jan 1916 in Gwinnett Co, GA. Children were: Louie DODD, Barron DODD, Dorothy DODD, Vance S. DODD.

bullet Vance S. DODD Parents: Vance S. DODD and Belva FIELDS.

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