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The Volga's fishs

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The perch

The crucian

The tench

The roach

The carp

The bream

The zander

The ruff

The ide

The pike

The burbot

The catfish

The perch

The perch is the fish of day time, joined in schools, is widespread almost everywhere. Perch inhabits the ponds, the lakes and the rivers. Prefers the quiet water. Gravitates to the covers: to looses of the stones, to the snags, to the holes, to the folds at the river bottom, to the undergrowth of the grasss. Eats a small fishs, the grubs of insects (mosquito grubs, fly grubs), leechs, tadpoles, worms. Distinguish two subspecies of the perch. The grass perch inhabits the coast is insignificant, his weight does not exceed 200 grammes. Deep perch, the conducting predatory image of life, reaches half-meter in length and weight of 3 kgs. The perch is caught during wholel year exepting period of the spawn, on the brutal and the artificial baits by all kinds of the fishing tackles. It's not bad to catch the perch by the tackle with fishing float. It with nozzle desert to the edge of the grasss, to the snags and stones. The ripples on the water surface promotes success. In a calm it is useful some times to pull the bait by the tip of the fishing tackle. If not a biting - desert in other point, until you find the school of the perchs. The perch have a greedy biting. It's necessary to hurry with hooking to prevent too deep swallow of the hook. The perch is well caught on the small imitation fish in "plumb" on depth with a short fishing tackle or among grasss with a long fishing tackle, supplied by nod. At the end of summer (best in middle of August) the perch is perfectly caught by spinning on the small imitation fish or much better on tackle, named "Macarony". "Macarony" it's the pieces of white chlorvinyl tube by thickness about 4-5 mm and length about 30-35 mm.To the fishing line with plummer adheres 4-5 leads length by 6-8 sm. On each lead put the dress chlorvinyl tube and adhere the hook or small double hook. It's nesessary to carry out the deserted tackle close to a surface of water. Some anglers adhere to fishing line a large float, made from foam plastic or the peace of the wood. When you throw the trackle to a place of a congestion of the perchs, hunting for young fishs, for a once it is possible to catch 2, 3 or even 4 perchs. A place of a congestion of the perchs at this time easily to define on flightly seagulls, turning above the water. In the winter you can to catch the perch on the small imitation fish. On first ice - in places of parking, in the spring - at coast and in mouth of the rivers.

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The crucian

The crucian lives in the lakes and in the oozy silt gulfs and creeks of the rivers in places with much undergrowth of water vegetation. Prefers quiet water. Eat zooplancton, the grubs of the insects and the vegetation. Reaches the length 45 sm and the weight of 3 kgs. The crucian is caught in warm season by fishing tackles with float or by ground fishing tackles on the brutal and vegetative nozzles. The bitting of the crucian is whimsical. More often the crucian is bitting before the dawn, in the afternoon - periodically. The large crucian is caught at night on the ground fishing tackle. Sometimes the crucian is caught from bottom, sometimes in midwater, less often from a surface. The crucian can to bite on the moscito grubs, on the fly grubs, on the muckworm, on the bread, moistened by the sunflower-seed oil. For catching the crucian is necessary the bait. As bait it's possible to use the boiled pearl barley, oatmeal or soaked in water bread with addition of sunflower-seed oil. Will very well to add in the bait some vanilline or anise oil. It's nesessary to throw the bait in a place of catching by small portions during all period of catching. The large crucian is the rather strong fish and take out him from water is necessary only with the help of the landing-net.

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The tench

The tench The tench is a not mobile fish. Prefers quiet water. Lives alone in the dark places among the water vegetation and strongly overgrowed former river-beds, lakes, creeks and river's valleys. Survives in starved reservoirs,bury oneself into the silt for winter. Eats the molluscs, the insect's grubs and vegetation. Reaches the length of 60 sm and the weight of 7,5 kgs. The tench is caught in warm season, excepting the spawn period, on the brutal and vegetative nozzles with a float fishing tackles and a ground fishing tackles. The catching of the tench begins in the spring, when water in the coastal shoal gets warm. The hooks with a nozzle it's necessary to throw to the edge of the water grasss and in windows among them. If vegetation in a place of catching too rich, it is necessary to slant it in a small platform, and to make the narrow path from it to the coast for taking out a fish. The bait it's necessary to scatter on the eve of catching, using stewed bran with addition of cracer crumb, chopped warms and the curd. When catching in place with siltly river's ground is necessary to condense the fishing place with sand. The tench is one of those fishes, which test nerves of the angler. By taking the end of the worm into his fleshy lips, he begins to taste it. The float shakes, quivers, tries to go down, but remains on a place. If you try to hooking in this moment, you will take off from the water the hook with the scrap of worm. It's necessary to hooking in a moment, when a float will begin quickly sink. The best time for catching of the tench is the morning dawn, until the sun begins to burn, and time after the sunset. The tench is bite in short periods after spawn and in the autumn before approach of colds.

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The roach

The roach is the schooly fish. Prefers quiet water and a weak flow. Lives in undergrowth of water plants and nearby from them, meets on open spaces of river. The large roach lives on large depth, more often in places with covers - near snags, near piles, near undermine coast. The roach eats zooplancton, the grubs of the insects and the vegetation from stones and piles. Reaches the length of 30 sm and the weight of 800 gs. The roach is possible to catch during whole year on the brutal and vegetative nozzle by summer and winter fishing tackles. The roach well reacts on the bait. The roach begins to be caught in early spring. In the beginning of summer the large roach is well caught on the dragonfly grub before its transformation in insect. The grub is necessary to lower plumb at stalks of a water grass by the long fishing tackle and slowly pull upwards. In hot weather the biting of roach is whimsical, it is better on dawns and at night. In the summer the roach is catch by ground fishing tackle and with a float at the edge of the undergrowth and in the glades among them. Best nozzle at this time is 1-3 small fly grubes, put on a hook so that the sting was open. To hooking is necessary at once, as soon as the float will sink or will rise. Very effective the catching of the roach in the windows among water grasss. The roach is well bite on the lock of green algas, adhered to the hook. In the winter the roach catched in wintering holes. It's nesessary to bait with cracers crumb or small moscito grub. It is necessary to use a fishing tackle with most thin fishing line. In the end of winter the biting of the roach is amplifies. The roach approaches to coasts and mouth of the rivers and greedy bite whole day.

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The carp

The carp is schooly heat-loving fish. Prefers quiet water, places with weak return flow. Keeps on deep snag sites on a neighbourhood with grassy shoal, where in twilights leaves on feeding, in holes nearsteep banks with rough bottom and in other snag places. Eats molluscs, the grubs of the insects, vegetation. Reaches length 1 meter and the weight of 20 kgs. To catch the carp it's possible in warm season on the brutal and vegetative nozzles. To catch the carp it is possible by the float fishing tackle or by ground fishing tackles . For successful catching is necessary the bait. As bait it's possible to use the boiled bran, pearl barley, oatmeal, potatoe in peel or soaked in water bread with addition of sunflower-seed oil. The bait is scattered by the late evening on a way of a movement a fish in searches of a food. After 2-3 days, yet up to dawn, you can go to fishing. You need to put on hook the peace of short pastry, crawfish meat, bread with vegetative oil and other. The hook is necessary to hide in the nozzle. The angler should be well disguised, as the carp is a very cautious fish. The carp in the beginning tries a nozzle, 1-2 time involves it in a mouth and here throws out. If he likes a nozzle, he safely takes it in a mouth. In this moment it's necessary to hooking. To take out the large carp from water is rather difficult. He persistently resists and tries to leave in snags.

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The bream

Bream is the schooly fish. It is the most widespread fish in Volga. Prefers quiet water..Lives at river's bottom in the deep creeks, gulfs and holes with silt ground or loam ground. At night leaves to eat on the silt grassy sites. Eats crustaceas, molluscs, the grubs of the insects, the algas and the twigs of plants. Reaches length of half-meter and weight of 5 kgs. To catch the bream it's possible whole year, excepting the spawn period, on the brutal and vegetative nozzles. To catch the bream it is possible by the float fishing tackle or by ground fishing tackles . For successful catching is necessary the bait. As bait it's possible to use the boiled pearl barley, oatmeal or soaked in water bread with addition of sunflower-seed oil. Will very well to add in the bait some vanilline or anise oil. Addition of the fly grubs or the moscito grubs is very useful. When catching from a boat on the ground fishing tackle the bait is lowered on the river's bottom in the net feeding with the large plummet, when catching from a coast - rushs by small portions in a place of catching. The best nozzle for the bream is a small clew of muckworms, put on a hook or 2-3 fly grubs. When catching on a fishing tackle with a float the biting of the bream looks as follows: the float rises upwards, lies on water, again rises and leaves in depth. With a small nozzle it's necessary hooking when a float is lie, with a large nozzle - when a float will begin to be immersed. When catching with boat on the ground fishing tackle it's necessary hooking with any fluctuation of the nod. Hooking should be rather long. After hooking it's necessary to pull the fishing line, not admitting an weakening of its tension. To take out the bream from water it is possible only with

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The zander

The zander is the schooly predatory fish. Prefers by pure water, rich with oxygen. For parking chooses a holes with snags, the whirlpools with sand-pabbly bottom, slopes of a flooded channels, places under thresholds and dams. Siltly and grassy sites avoids. Large zanders keep as detached. Because of narrow throat the zander eats a small fishs: ruffs, gudgeons, bleaks and roachs. Reaches the length 150 sm and the weight of 20 kgs. To catch the zander is possible during whole year on artificial nozzle or on small alive fish. Tackles: spinning, path, circles, float and ground fishing tackle, fishing tackle for a plumb fishing with imitation fish. When catching on ground fishing tackle the nozzle (a small alive fish) desert on shoal, contiguous to a hole. When catching in posting the nozzle (a small alive fish) start up on water flow along an abrupt coast. On reservoir you can hunt on the zander with circles. In the autumn you can to catch the zander on the deepest sites. The best time for catching zander is the morning from predawn minutes to rising of the sun, evening from sunset to darkness. In the winter the zander may catched by imitation fish in strong deep places, on the last ice - on ways of a movement of fishes.

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The ruff

The ruff is the schooly fish, inhabits the flowing waters of lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Prefer the place with a sandy-silt ground and slow flow. Keeps near rover's bottom, often on the large depth, in coastal holes, under rafts, under trees hanging over water, near quayes, near piles, among stone looses. Eats the grubs, caviar and youth of fishes. Reaches the length of 20 sm and the weight of 100-120 grammes, is rare more. The ruff is caught during whole year on the brutal nozzles by a fishing tackle with a float, and by plummet fishing tackle. The ruff is perfectly caught on the ground fishing tackle, if on hooks is a suitable nozzle. During catching on siltly river's bottom it's necessary to attach to leads the pieces of a fuse, so as the nozzle not stick in the silt. The activity of the ruff is not always identical. In the spring it's easily to catch him even in a day time. In the summer it's possible to catch the ruff only at dawn or at night. In the autumn the schools of the ruffs accumulates on the depth and the biting rises again. The ruff at biting at first picks the nozzle does not hurry up to swallow it. It is desirable to tease him, slightly tightening and lowering the tackle. In the winter the ruff keeps in bottom layer of water. At this time the ruff is caught on winter fishing tackle, especially is plentyful at the end of winter, when he accumulates near the mouths of the small rivers. It is enough to lower the nozzle - here follows biting. Injection from fins of the russ are paifull. It's nesessary to removed him from hook carefully, by compressing fingers the gill covers.

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The ide

The ide is the schooly fish. Prefers the rivers, flowing lakes and reservoirs. Lives in quiet water or with moderate flow, in whirlpools, in holes placed lower of whirlpoolâ, under bushes hanging over water, on border of fast flow water and quiet water, near the mouth of the small rivers. At night the ide leaves on the shoal with sandy-pebbly or loamy river's bottom. The ide eats the air insects and their grubs, a small fishs, molluscs and vegetation. The ide reaches the length of 80 sm and the weight of 8 kgs. The ide is caught during open water period and on the last ice by brutal and vegetative nozzle with float fishing tackles, leading fishing tackles and ground fishing tackles, with whip trackle or spinning. The catching of the ide begins in early spring during recession of flood water with leading fishing tackles. In the summer it's necessary to catch the ide with the bait, lowered on rivar's bottom in mesh sack. As bait are used the stewed bran with addition of cracer crumb and the fly grubs. The bait gradually throw additional during catching. On the ground fishing tackles the ide is caught at night, the nozzle is throw on coastal shoal. The ide bite in the beginning is very shy, and then pulls resolutely. In this moment it is necessary to hooking. The spinning is used only on flow water. With spinning catching are used rotating copper and brass imitation fishs of the small size. In summer evenings the ide is well caught with whip tackle on grasshopper or various beetles. The nozzle in this case throws under hanging bushes, near high underwind coast and in holes, place lower of whirlpoolâ. During fishing with whip tackle masking is required.

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The pike

The pike is the most known predatory fish. Prefers the quiet water. Lives in alone in places, convenient for watching of a victim: near the fracture of river bottom, near boulder, near sink log, near snags, near undermine coast, among undergrowth of water plants, where well masks thanking to her variegated colouring. The large pikes live in holes, whirlpools, deep cavitys. A pike hunts in a light time of a day. The pike eats the roach, the red-finned fish, the perch and other fishs. Reaches the length of one and a half meters and the weight of 35 kgs. You can catch the pike during whole year, excepting spawn period, on summer and winter imitation fishs, the rope with dead fish, on alive fish. Tackles: spinning, path, circles, float and ground fishing tackle, in the winter - fishing tackle for a plumb fishing with imitation fish. When catching by spinning the imitation fish or the tackle with dead fish it's nesessary to carry out near the bushs of water plants on underwater shoal, along coastal undergrowth and other pike's ambushs. The running of nozzle is necessary to make jerky, creating illusion of a movement ill fish. The alive fish as a nozzle on a float fishing tackle lowered into semi-water level near the border of the undergrowth and in the glades among it, on clean sites - in 0,5 - 1 meters from river bottom. It's not necessary to hurry with hooking that the pike is deeper swallow the nozzle. In the spring pike catch on superficial places, where faster water gets warm. In hot time more successful catching on dawn. In the autumn the pike moves on depth and is fed all the day. The feeding period continues after ice establishment. In the winter the pike is caught better in thaw. The pike is bite well at the end of winter - before spawn.

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The burbot

The burbot is the unique representative of the cod-family fishes in fresh waters. Prefers the rivers and lakes with clean water and sandy-stony bottom. Lives alone in places with shelter: under snags, under stones, in undermined roots of a trees, in holes, near the quay, near the support of the bridge. The burbot eats a small fishs and a frogs. The burbot hunts at night. The biting of the burbot it's better in the most dark night (without the moon and with a wind and precipitations). At the end of winter the burbot is caught and in the afternoon. The burbot reaches the length of 1 meter and the weight of 10 kgs. The burbot is caught in the cold season. The tackle for catching the burbot is very simple: the plummet, the lead with the fastener, that it was possible to unfasten it together with a fish, the hook with a long fore-end. The ground fishing tackle is throw near a coast to the clean place near a neighbourhood with a hole, a snags, the heap of stones. The best nozzle for the burbot is the ruff more often dead with slash on a side. The burbot deeply swallows the nozzle, not going from a place, and aspires to leave in snags. For this reason it's necessary to leaven't surplus of the free fishing line and more often to check tackle. One or two week after freezing-over the burbot motionlessly costs under the ice, and then renews reception of food. At winter catching as well as in the autumn the nozzle it's necessary to lower on river's bottom, the fishing line to adhere to a stick, which to put across the hole in the ice. In the morning it's necessary to check up tackle. If the nozzle will appear on a way of a movement of the burbot, the success will be supplied. The burbot is greedy bite in December before the spawn. In the spring with warming of the water the biting of the burbot stops and the burbot will run into hibernation up to autumn cold.

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The catfish

The catfish is the largest predator of the fresh waters. The catfish prefers the warm water. Lives alone in the cluttered channels of the rivers, in undermines at abrupt coast, in whirlpools, in the lake cavitys with the snags at the bottom. the catfish hunts in twilights and on dawn, sometimes in the afternoon. Eats a fishs, a frogs, a molluscs, sometimes the water-fowl birds. The catfish reaches the length of 5 meters and the weight of 350 kgs. The catfish is caught in warm season by the ground fishing tackle, by "croaker", less often by spinning. During the catching by the ground fishing tackle the nozzle it's necessary to lower on the river's ground in whirlpool or on coastal shoal near rapids, near an exit from the hole, in a mouth of inflow. As nozzle used a live fish or a frog. During catfish catch by spinning used the large vibrate imitation fishs from cupper or brass. Very effective the catching of a catfish on the "croaker". The "croaker" is the bently wood or metal tool, terminating by flat patch. During impact about the water the "croaker" issues a gurgle sound, attracting a catfish. To catch the catfish by "croaker" it's more convenient with assistant. One angler operates a boat, other manipulates tackle. The tackle at catching on "croaker" consists of a strong cord on the coil with adhered to it the heavy plummet. Above the plummet to a cord attached half-meter lead from kapron with large forged hook. As nozzle on hook puts on the large frog. It's necessary to conduct a boat by river's flow and to lead the nozzle on a deep place near the river's ground. After a series from three impacts by "croaker" on the water follows a pause a few seconds. If the biting has not followed, impacts by "croaker" repeats more right or left. After the hooking the large catfish tow on the shoal and there take out him on a coast.

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