
generation no. 1

Lewis Jones was born Abt. 1645 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT, and died Bef. 1697 in Saybrook, New London, CT. He married Deborah Palmer December 4, 1660 in Saybrook, New London, CT, daughter of Henry Palmer and Katherine. She was born February 5, 1641/42 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT, and died October 1727 in Saybrook, New London, CT.

Children of Lewis and Deborah are:

  1. Hannah Jones, b. Abt. 1662 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT

  2. Margaret Jones, b. August 15, 1667 in Saybrook, New London, CT; January 17, 1737/38 in Lyme New London, CT. She m. (1) Wolston Brockway October 4, 1668, b. February 7, 1666/67 in Lyme New London, CT, d. May 15, 1707 in Lyme New London, CT. She m. (2) Thomas Enis February, 1709/10.

  3. Katherine Jones, b. May 28, 1671 in Saybrook, New London, CT

  4. Jonathan Jones, b. Abt. November 10, 1675 in Saybrook, New London, CT

  5. Samuel Jones, b. May 18, 1676 in Saybrook, New London, CT

  6. Ephraim Jones, b. May 1, 1685 in Saybrook, New London, CT

generation no. 2

Hannah Jones ( Lewis ) was born Abt. 1662 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT. She married (1) Matthew Ransom March 7, 1681/82. He was born 1660 in Saybrook, Hartford, CT. She married (2) Stephen DeWolf Bef. 1690 in Lyme, New London, CT, son of Balthazar DeWolf and Alice Peck. He was born Abt. 1650 in Hartford, Hartford, CT, and died October 17, 1702 in Lyme, New London, CT.

Children of Hannah and Stephen ( see DeWolf).


generation no.1

William Palmer was born Abt. 1585 in London, England, and died March 1637/38 in Duxbury, MA. He married (1) Francis Abt. 1605 in London, England. She was born Abt. 1590 in England, and died Abt. 1635 in Duxbury MA. He married (2) Mary.

Children of William and Francis are:

  1. Henry Palmer, b. Abt. 1609 in England; d. Abt. 1663 in Wethersfield, CT.

  2. William Palmer, b. 1612 in Stepney, London, England; d. 1636 in MA. m. Elizabeth Hodgekins, March 27, 1634.

  3. Bridget Palmer, b. Aft. 1627 in Parham, Somerset, England; d. in England.

  4. Ann/ Sarah Palmer, b. in Parham, Somerset, England; d. October 17, 1633 in Plymoth, MA. m. (1) Thomas Blossom 1615 in England. She m. (2) Henry Rowley October 17, 1633; b. 1598 in Parham, Somerset, England, d. July 15, 1673 in Folmouth, Barnstable, MA.

Child of William and Mary:

  1. William Palmer, b. June 27, 1638 in Duxbury, MA.

William Palmer sailed from England in the Fortune, the second ship to arrive in Plymouth, Ma. after the Mayflower. The fortune set sail in early July 1621 and arrived in Plymouth on November 11. Among the listed 34 passengers were his son, William and his wife. William Sr.'s wife, Francis, did not sail with them, she arrived two years later on the ship Anne which set sail from London, along with the Little James, and about 60 passengers . It was not at all uncommon among the early Pilgrims for the families to come seperately. This was due to limited space on the ships and sometimes limited finances. William was often refered to as "the elder" or "thelder" probably because of the fact he was much older than the other passengers. He was listed as a "nayler" this being his occupation.

William's background is a mystery, it is not known from where he came from, for sure. There are records of Palmers in England, but none that establishes William with any certain family. In land records of allotments made in Plymouth in 1623, William, William Jr. and Francis are all listed. Each William recieved one acre lots as passenges on the Fortune. Francis recieved a one acre lot as a passenger on the Anne. Both William were made freemen in 1633, which gave them the right to own land and to bear arms. A few years later William is found in Duxbury where he remained until his death. In his will he mentions his grandchildren Rebecca ( daughter of William Jr.) and Moses Rowly, his young wife Mary,who was pregnant at the time. He also listed his children Henry and Bridget whom he left 40 shillings each. He named his friends Mr. Bradford, Mr. Winslow, and Mr. Pence, as his executors. The court named three men to handle the inventory of his will, one of them, was Jonathan Brewster, who had sailed with him from England. While there is not much known about William Palmer it is known that he was a well respected man in the colonies, judging from the persons named in his will and those appionted by the courts. William left an estate totaling 111 pounds, 12 shillings, and 4 pence.

generation no. 2

Henry Palmer (William) was born Abt. 1909 in England, and died Abt. 1663 in Wethersfield, Ct. He married Katherine in Wethersfield, CT.

Children of Henry and Katherine are:

  1. Deborah Palmer, b. February 5, 1641/42 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT; d. October 1727 in Saybrook, New London, Ct

  2. Hannah Palmer, b. August 14, 1645 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT. She m. Isaac Stiles.

  3. Ephraim Palmer, b. Abt. 1648 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT

  4. Dorcas Palmer, b. April 7, 1650 in Wetherfield, Hartford, CT

generation no. 3

Deborah Palmer ( Henry, William) was born February 5, 1641/42 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT and died October 1727 in Saybrook, New London, CT. She married (1) Lewis Jones December 4, 1660 in Saybrook, New London, CT. He was born Abt. 1645 in Wethersfield, Hartford, CT, and died Bef. 1697 in Saybrook, New London, CT. She married (2) Henry Champion. He was born 1611 in England, and died February 17, 1708/09 in Lyme, New London, CT.

Children of Deborah and Lewis see ( Jones).


