2004 Frantz Recap

2004 was been a year of growth and change, of challenges and opportunities. The kind of year we like.

During the year, Cara aged from 6 to 18 months. It was a year of enormous growth for her. Cara learned to walk (at 8 months!) then run. She sees anything that looks sturdy as a challenge to climb. Though her diction isn't clear and her spoken vocabulary is relatively small (and often consists of only the first syllable of words), she understands most anything that is said to her. Cara has a wonderful sense of humor and is very smart. She's independent for her young age but if she wants to play with you, she'll take you by the finger and lead you to where she wants to play. She loves dolls and puzzles and gets ooh's and aah's wherever she goes—which seems to embarrass her a little. She also likes "doe doe doe" (said with punching motions). That's her name for "White Tiger Taekwondo". Cara performs some of the kicks, punches and falls the rest of her family practices. Late in the year she started taking gymnastics classes once a week where she enjoys climbing things, walking the balance beam, and hanging from bars.

Eric's unstructured homeschooling tends toward the practical and physical. He gets, but rarely accepts without questioning or challenging, insights from his parents—at least one of whom is present at most of his life's experiences. Missy and Curt find it helpful for themselves when they help Eric reflect on something he just saw or did. Together they seek to understand the motivation of self and others, generalize about people, places or things, then identify exceptions to those generalizations. Much of what Eric learns is through examination of daily life and applying skills and knowledge needed to be successful in it. Eric continues to grow his martial arts skills. He is now a 2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo, his Hapkido black belt test score is likely the highest ever recorded at White Tiger (he'll be awarded his first degree black belt in May 2005), he has earned a red stripe in a tae geuk bongs (short sticks) weapons class which makes him the highest ranking student in that class, and a few months prior to his 12th birthday he performed his first superman jump (over his Dad) breaking a board with his fist and landing in a catroll. Master Yun Chul Oh, who helped Eric with his technique, said Eric was the youngest person he'd ever seen perform that stunt. Since then, as part of the White Tiger demonstration team, Eric occasionally does his superman jump over five kids and breaks boards with two fists before catrolling back to his feet. During the past year Eric dramatically improved his surf skimming, roller blading, and RC airplane flying skills and has started learning how to ride a unicycle and play the guitar. He was able to repair his electric scooter and our garage door opener.

Missy is following in Eric's martial arts footsteps. During the year she tested for and received her 2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo and is planning on testing for her first degree Hapkido black belt next year. The difficult board breaks she performed during testing are rarely seen and we've not seen them done by a woman before. Missy joined the White Tiger demo team this year and has performed in numerous public demonstrations. She also plays in three different soccer leagues (two women's and one co-ed) and, though she primarily plays defense, scored more than ten goals this year (her personal best). Missy is learning to play the guitar but she, unlike Eric, is not getting lessons in it. She still gets calls from moms needing help with breastfeeding even though she is no longer active in a La Leche League group. Missy's primary craft activity this year was quilting. She also repaired and finished an old-fashioned wooden high chair for Cara (who enjoys climbing then standing atop it). In May, Missy had the great honor of serving as Matron of Honor at the wedding of our dear friend, her "sister" Master Eunha An.

In November, Curt performed exceptionally well in his 2nd degree black belt Taekwondo test. He'll be awarded his belt next May. During their bimonthly Hapkido tests, Missy and Curt have become crowd favorites as they attack, neutralize and toss each other. They choreograph their moves then perform them with an intensity that stirs the audience. Even Grand Master Chang regularly singles them out, warning them not to hurt each other or jokingly remarking that they "watch too much TV" (martial arts movies). Late in the year, a major change occurred in Curt's work environment. IBM and the Chinese company Lenovo have agreed to an alliance (to be finalized early next year) in which IBM's Personal Computing Division will become part of Lenovo. Curt's 22 year career with IBM will end. That is not something Curt wanted but he can't do much about it, at least for two years (at which time he can try to return to a different division in IBM). On the plus side, assuming the Chinese company can be counted on to fulfill its long term commitments, Curt's accrued and expected benefits will remain in place and the alliance is actually a large financial advantage for us (Curt can start collecting pension eight years early). One of Curt's proudest achievements during the year was his creation of Hearts To Hearts, a wonderful, moving, tribute video to our former White Tiger instructors, Masters Oh and Oh Bro.

We travelled, and were travelled to, many times during the year. We welcomed the New Year in Pennsylvania sharing in a surprise 50th birthday party for Curt's brother Will. In February we skied in West Virginia then hit the beaches twice, once on horseback, in North and South Carolina the next month. Two of those trips were organized by our homeschooling compadres Malcolm, Lisa, Gabe, and Grace Duff. Missy and Cara travelled to Michigan and Ohio to visit family and friends in March. Those trips were sandwiched around a visit from Iowans Uncle Rich and Aunt Julie Weseman. In April, we had "always too brief" visits from Steve, Tami, Andy, Julia, and Matty Holsten and from Missy's brother Jeff, Sue, Shawn, Amanda, and Emily Leslie. In late May and early June we visited Curt's family in Pennsylvania and shared in Masters Rich and Eunha An's wedding in New Hampshire. In July, Curt's brother Dan, Cheri, Brian, and Jacob Frantz visited with us from Ohio. We made another Pennsylvania trip in late September and early October with Missy and Cara extending their vacation to return to Michigan for another visit with Missy's folks. In November, we were in Michigan with most of Missy's family to celebrate Thanksgiving and brother Jim's 50th birthday. One more trip to Pennsylvania in December and our travel and year will end.

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