By God's grace we will provide an environment where believers will be edified and empowered for ministry to one another and to non-believers, resulting in a body of fruitful believers who glorify Jesus.
The environment necessary to accomplish our purpose is characterized by the following five essentials
WORSHIP- praise, adoration and submission to Almighty God.
INSTRUCTION- Biblical preaching and teaching.
FELLOWSHIP- True sharing with and caring for one another as a unified body.
EQUIPPING- Practical preparation for ministry through discipleship, mentoring, partnering.
EVANGELISM- Clearly and lovingly sharing the Good News of salvation with non-believers.
All that occurs
in this body is measured by these essentials in order to keep us in line with our purpose.
Philosophy of Ministry
1. We desire to have a God centered ministry, therefore we are committed to knowing and worshiping Him.
2. We hold to a high view of the Bible, therefore we are committed to faithfully proclaiming, teaching and practicing it.
3. We desire to love people as God does, therefore we are committed to meeting the needs of the whole person, recognizing that the greatest need of all is for eternal salvation.
4. We desire to have a ministry of grace versus legalism, therefore we are committed to what Jesus has done for us, is doing in us, and will do through us, rather than what we must be, or do according to some list.
5. We desire to have diversity within a unified body, therefore we are committed to welcoming the variety of ethnic, cultural, educational, and socio-economic groups God brings us, and to actively working towards reconciliation.
6. We desire to have a "people friendly" church, a place where people feel welcome, comfortable and are free to receive the truth, unhindered, therefore we are committed to do all we can to remove any barriers without compromising the Truth.
7. We desire to minister to people, not just to maintain programs, therefore we are committed to making changes when necessary to remain effective in ministry.
8. We desire to have godly, male leadership in our homes and in the body at large, therefore we are committed to ministering to men.
9. We desire to have the best, most biblically oriented government in our assembly, therefore we are committed to a church led by elders.
10. We desire to have a ministry that is participation oriented, therefore we are committed to equipping believers and freeing them to minister as God has gifted and led them.
11. We desire a ministry with accountability and the personal touch, therefore we are committed to small group ministry.
12. We desire to care for the body of Christ at large, therefore we are committed to fellowshiping with believers beyond our local assembly and with other local churches when possible.
13. We desire to be true to a Gospel that is for all people, therefore we are committed to keeping a world perspective in ministry.
14. We desire to reach the next generation, therefore we are committed to the priority of ministering to our children and youth.
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