Below is a collection of photographs from our lives... Hope
that you enjoy your visit here.
My first grade picture. This is my brother, Neville, who had
his picture made the same day.
Me with my Tiny Tears Doll
Neville, Curtis and I about 1962
My Daddy and me.
My Daddy and me at Bellingrath Gardens
Mac and his mother, Janell.
Mac and his parents
Me, with my parents and one of our cats
Two of Mac's sisters, Donna and Dale
Baby Mac and his mother
My dad, in his
Air Force uniform
Mac's dad
My mother
Mac's mother
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I'm a Little Teapot..
Photo Gallery II
The wonderful graphics found on this page came from these sources. Without their work, my little site would be so blank and boring. Thank you all!

Graphics by Jelane