Phoebe's Litter Box

Hello, my name is Phoebe and welcome to
my page.

Look at the wonderful award we won! Thanks Lizzie!

Want to win Phoebe and Midge's Spoiled Rotten Cat Award?
Click here to apply.
(Please include your website and why your cat is spoiled rotten.)

the new Cat page. My human mother made a page dedicated to a lot of
cats (and one good dog) that she has known over the years. Please go and
visit it. My friend, Mr. Barney, can be seen there. I still miss
Let me begin by telling you something
about myself. I am a 4 year old, calico. I was adopted from the TailWaggers
branch of the Birmingham Humane Society. I really "charmed" my
dad. He and Mama had gone in just to look for a new tee shirt. My
mama spoke to me and rubbed me for a few minutes, then moved on to shop.
My dad had that look. He was a sucker for a friendly feline and I could
tell the moment that I laid my eyes on him that he would take me home.
I purred extra loudly and rubbed up against his hand. He walked
over to my mama and told her that I was the prettiest calico that he had
ever seen. I knew that he was ripe for the picking. Mama said
that I was very pretty and he walked back over to talk to me some more.
I arched my back and talked to him. He smiled and told me how pretty
I was, while he continued to rub my face and neck. I licked his hand and
he really liked the personal attention that I was showing him. He
walked back over to Mama, looked over his shoulder at me and smiled.
I was so excited. I knew that I had roped him in. I heard him
tell Mama that "we ought to get that cat". Yes!, I thought. Of course,
as I am soooo charming. Then they walked to the cash register and Mama
purchased her tee shirt and they turned to leave. Daddy looked sadly
at me and I looked at him as they walked into another store. I was
heart-broken. I laid down in my cage and just stared ahead.
Time passed and I looked up and there was my mama! She had returned
for me. Seems that Daddy had talked about me non-stop and he and
Mama had decided to return for me. They had even called when they
got home to make sure I was still waiting on a home. She brought my two
"human" brothers with her. This was my happiest day. I love
my human family very,very much and show them every day just how much I
Hey, see my Claw Crown!
I am VERY proud of
Ring site is owned by MysteryCat.
Want to join the ring? Click
here for info.
I am very vocal and speak every chance
I get. Mama says that I talk more than any other cat she has had. I know
that I must frustrate "my" humans when I talk so much, 'cause they don't
have a clue as to what I am saying most times. My mama can now mimic
me (sorta) when I am calling my sister to come downstairs to play.
Sometimes she even confuses her. My sister is named Midge (named for
the best friend of BarbieŽ - my mom's most favorite doll!) Midge is
a very large female feline. She is so silly though... She loves water!
What cat loves water that much? She comes running whenever she hears
Mama or Daddy brushing their teeth. Mama doesn't think that cats
should be rolling around in the sink, but our dad lets Midge play in the
water after he brushes his teeth or washes his hands. (But Mama knows
^..^ )
I envision myself as more human than most
cats and can see myself doing "human" things. My family just spent some
time working in the yard, as Midge and I eagerly watched from the windows.
I could see myself gardening. Wow, that would be fun, scratching, um, digging
in the dirt and covering up, I mean planting things. Can't you just see
me now?
I am, all dressed up and ready for the hard work in the garden!

Below are some pictures of me with my sister, Midge
Aren't we cute? (I know, everyone asks if we posed for the picture.)
We just love each other!
Golly, we do look mushy, huh?
Thanks for dropping by. Please come back!
Wanna visit Midge's Place?
Return to my human
mother's page!
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The wonderful graphics found on this page came from these sources. Without their work, my little site would be so blank and boring. Thank you all!

Graphics by Jelane