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This is me :-))


Hi, my name is Lorisha I'm 5 Years old.

I started school in September, I’m in Kindergarten now

I like to go to school, because there I can play

with all my old friends I made last year in JK.

Watching TV is one of my favorite things I like to do

I Love Arthur and Bugs Bunny But I call Him funny bunny.*G*

I also enjoy all kinds of other shows.

I play a lot with my dog His Name is Toby. Sometimes he chews

on my toys and I don't like that at all.

Last winter I startet to skate and I'm getting really good at it.

Daddy made me a skating rink, He does a lot of things for me so i can play outside.

He made me a hill with snow, so i can go and do some ski.

I also like to play on my mommy's puter so sometimes she has

to share her toy with me...

there is something i really don't like to do, and that's going to bed

My Adopted Friends

This is Sabrina, she came to live in my room
February the 6 1999

That's my cyber snake Bobby, I take good care of him...
he came to live with me on Valentines Day 1999

Now i have my own cow,
her name is Clementine,
and I can take care of her all by myself.
She came to live with me February 15 1999



Max & Moritz
are getting ready for next x-mast *G*

My Photo Album

click above to view my Pictures

This Award was given to my mom
by mikaylasmom

Thank you Martina


meet my family

you are here



my pictures
the new barn
other family members
I'm growing up

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