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Meet the family...

We are a family of three, living on a Dairy Farm in eastern Ontario,
Willi my husband was born and raised in Switzerland. He Immigrated to Canada in 1980 with his parents and three brothers.
I’m Italian, was born and raised also in Switzerland and came to live in Canada in 1987. My parents and my older sister still live in Switzerland. The younger sister came to Canada to and got married almost two years ago.
And there is Lorisha our pride and joy. We adopted her in 1996. She is Jamaican/Canadian.
So this makes us a multilingual and multi cultural family :-))


When Lorisha first came to live with us she only used to understand English, now she understand Swiss-German, and she can talk it to a little (when she wants to).


That’s where we live, in this barn we keep the Heifers and the dry cows.

main farm

That's the main Farm, here we milk approx.100 cows. This barn is located 2 km from our house. It’s not gonna stay like that for ever, a few months ago we started to build a new barn (free stall) with a milking parlor. That gives us hopefully less work and more time for the family.
And if everything goes well, I’m going to get a new house to soon. It’s going to be build close to the main farm.

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by mikaylasmom


Thank you Martina

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