DO SQUIRRELS MIGRATE OR HIBERNATE IN THE WINTER? Although squirrels seem to disappear from sight in the winter months, they are in the exact places where they lived during the warmer months. In fact, squirrels spend their entire lives within only three to five acres. Ground squirrels hibernate during the winter months, but tree squirrels do not. Tree squirrels keep warm by snuggling with their family in their tree nests or ground burrows. As soon as the weather permits, they emerge and begin hunting for food again. Squirrels are very sensitive to weather changes and prepare for an upcoming drop in temperature by instinctively burying their nuts underground as well as binge eating!
IF SQUIRRELS ARE SO AGILE, WHY DO THEY ALL TOO FREQUENTLY MEET THEIR DEMISE AS ROADKILL? Although squirrels can easily balance themselves on power lines and leap gracefully about from branch to branch, they simply cannot master crossing the street! The answer lies in the fact that squirrels cannot comprehend the quick and straight motion of automobiles, as it does not correspond with anything found in nature. One researcher (who observed over 300 squirrel auto-related deaths in 1998) explains: "You have to understand that squirrels have no concept of roads or cars. Squirrels panic in open space. They get disoriented. If more people gave thought to roadkill avoidance when driving, we could stop the slaughter of millions of animals." A third squirrel biologist notes that squirrels mistake cars for predators and are killed by acting naturally in an unnatural setting: "We've seen them doing those stagger steps, the bluffing and feints. This kind of running would be helpful if you were trying to throw off a hawk or an owl [but] a car traveling a straight path more often than not hits the squirrel."
IF EATING ACORNS CAN BE FATAL TO HUMANS, HOW ARE SQUIRRELS ABLE TO SURVIVE ON SUCH A NUTTY DIET? Acorns contain tannic acid, which is poisonous to humans. However, grey squirrels produce a special digestive enzyme in their saliva that protects them from tannic acid. However, red squirrels do not produce this enzyme and like humans, can become fatally ill from eating acorns.
HOW DO YOU GET RID OF SQUIRRELS WHO HAVE MOVED INTO THE HOUSE? For homeowners who want to rid their house of squirrels, please contact a humane organization such as Critter Control rather than an exterminator! The folks at Critter Control have degrees in wildlife related disciplines and specialize in trapping squirrels without injuring them. Homeowners can also buy inexpensive room sprays that are designed to send rodents packing or live traps which can be baited with nuts coated with peanut butter. For squirrels who live in the attic (or another uninhabited area of the house), homeowners can leave a light or radio on continuously for a few days: Like humans, squirrels cannot sleep with such distractions and will likely move on to get some shut-eye.
GIVEN THE LARGE NUMBER OF SQUIRRELS, WHY AREN'T THEIR DROPPINGS EVERYWHERE? Although squirrels are rather large among the rodent family, their droppings are much smaller (about the size of a raisin) and often are undetected.
DO FLYING SQUIRRELS REALLY FLY? No, flying squirrels only appear to fly when they jump from tree branch to tree branch. They have a skin flap that extends the length of their body from front paws to back, which gives them the appearance of soaring through the air.