Pages Completed
Kootenai Kroppers:
Salish Scrappers: Favorite Scrap Sites
2 Peas In A Bucket
March 11 at 10am thru March 18th at 10am (MST) Entertainment Galore! Your layouts must have a title that has to do with one of the following: Movies, music or theater (plays) productions ONLY! What else you choose to do with your layout is your business. I just care about the title! Remember. Each page you do must comply with the theme. Also, you must mail it to me privately in order for this to work. Good luck! Salish Scrappers won the immunity, and chose to vote off Michelle.
First team with everyone to complete a page (journaling included) wins immunity. Pages must be sent to my "Survivor Email Address, " with an attachment of the page completed. Start time is IMMEDIATELY. End time just depends on when the team gets it done. As soon as the first team is done, I'll call it. Keep in mind that I will be at work from 9am till about 6pm. With NO COMPUTER ACCESS. Be patient! Know your past or present events! That's right. Scrap a page having to do with something IN THE NEWS! this can be present day (War in Iraq, Cheney shooting his friend, the Oscars, etc) or past (September 11th, Presidential Race, Cloning of Daisy. etc). It just had to have been IN THE NEWS (local or national) . News meaning in the papers or on the newscast. Other than this, you can do with it how you wish. If possible please include a clipping of the article on your layout (or the website where it can be found in the email-- it's neat to read stories people find interesting enough to scrap about.) Good luck!!! Twist to the game. I WILL NOT BE LETTING YOU KNOW WHO DID WHAT! It shall all be kept a secret. No worries, I'm keeping track, and all will be revealed later on, but not right now. BUT-- I will share the complete total number of pages completed. Challenge #1 produced 157 completed layouts! You girls ROCK!
March 4th (4:30pm) thru March 9th (midnight) Use Punches & Diecuts on your layouts. Remember, if it's a 2 page spread, you must use punches/diecuts on both pages in order for them to count.
DO NOT FORGET that in order for your layouts to count you must send them to me PRIVATELY at: Don't forget also, that I don't send you reminders that I've received your pages. I will if you ask me personally to do so (OFF LIST!!) Sometimes emails are funky or whatever. However, the only thing I do want you to do, is if you have a question about the challenges (I try to be as thorough as possible, but people still have questions, LOL!) please DO SEND THEM TO THE LIST. If you have a question, it might be the same as someone elses. Just put in the subject line "Survivor Question." Now, for you newbies, this is also important. I do not read 99% of the messages on list during this game. I don't go no mail, but I only read things related to the game. I delete "replies" and stick with originals. Unless it says there is a question related. On that note--- stay tuned. We officially start tomorrow- but the first challenge will come out tonight. Most challenges will start on Sunday evenings and end Friday nights. Most immunities will be on Saturday. Most vote off's will be on Sunday mornings. Things do change, and I try to keep people on their toes. It's always important to read the challenge carefully and pay attention to those time lines. The times go with MY TIME (Mountain) which makes me an hour before Annette (Cali.) and hour after Beth (Tenn.) and 2 hours after Colleen (Flori.) Good luck one again!! RULES-- you need to read this, and sign up in the database. Please be sure to read the rules carefully. The basics of the game are this: You will be split into 2 even teams. Each week there will be a challenge. You are to complete as many pages as you can doing that challenge. They will last about 1 week. (I will let you know the dates the challenges will start & end.) In order to play you WILL BE REQUIRED to send $10 worth of Scrapbooking goodies or $10 to my paypal account (or you can mail it). All goodies WILL BE USED AS PRIZES for the Survivor winners. Entry fee's will be required to be received before the game actually starts March 5th. Items can be handmade- or bought- just make sure it's nice- and something you would enjoy having back to you. Members must scan or take pictures of their layouts to share with the group/team/list. But they MUST ALSO SEND TO ME PRIVATELY FOR THEM TO COUNT. The team with the MOST layouts in will win. The losing team will then face an IMMUNITY challenge, determined by me. Remember to check your mail. It will come at ALL different times, and will require different things. Immunity challenges will have everything you need to know. The person on the losing team who wins immunity will be safe from the vote. Remaining team members will vote, via poll, on who to cut. It will be beneficial to the team who does not "have" to do the IC, to go ahead and do it. This will continue on until we merge. Once a merge happens, the challenges will still go on. Immunity challenges will also happen- rules will be explained each segment once again. Vote off will also happen We will play down to our FINAL THREE. And then have challenges for the remaining tribe members. And after all is said and done we will have our SOLE SURVIVOR!
PAY ATTENTION! This has CHANGED! I will have a blog that I will be posting ALL INFORMATION to while the game is going on. Please stay tuned for the link when the games start up. March 2007 will bring the next version of the game! 03/04/07 |
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