Please note: The information on this page is believed to be accurate. Please email me regarding questions, to provide information or correct inaccuracies.
MOFFORD:(British Isles - Some theories: 1)Originated in England; as there were Moffords living in County Cornwall in the 1680's - 1730's.
Date of immigration to Barbados possibly in the 1680's, or some Moffords returned to England and settled in the Cornwall area. England>Barbados>St.Vincent>Canada & USA).
2)Scotland. The Mofford named derived from either Moffatt or Moffit as it was "Anglicized" to gain acceptance in predominantly English Barbados of the 1600's, or it was simply written as the name sounded for the record books.
Thomas Mofford and Francis and family are the only known early Moffords recorded in Barbados, BWI. His arrival could have been as early as 1679 as there was no Mofford in the 1678 census. (of course that doesn't mean that an earlier family of Mofford's were not in Barbados before that date - (see Myths and Facts) We now know a bit about Thomas Mofford and family.
The 1715 census is the earliest record of Thomas Mofford in Barbados (so far) that was recorded at St. Philip's Parish: Thomas (57), wife Frances (45); daughter Ann (18), son William (15), son Eliza (12), son John (9), daughter Mary (7), and son Thomas (5).
With the kind contribution of Ernest M. Wiltshire via the Barbados archival publications, we have this exerpt regarding Thomas Mofford's Last Will,
Descendants of Thomas Mofford: Generation No. (1)
1. Thomas(1) Mofford died 1717 in St. Philip, Barbados, W.I.. He was married to Frances(1) (unknown surname).
Notes for Thomas Mofford(1):
MOFFORD, Thomas of Bdos - Last Will
St. Philips Parish, 8 Feb 1716, RB6/4, p.425
Daughter Ann Mofford(2); my son William Mofford(2) at 21 - 13 1/2 acres and the house
where I live; daus Elizabeth Mofford(2) and Mary Mofford(2) both at 18; my son John
Mofford(2) at 21 - 10 acres I bought of Dr. Frances Culpeper; son Thomas Mofford(2)
at 21; wife Francis Mofford(1) the mother of my sons and friends Bryant Taylor,
Joseph Bayley, and John Adams - Xtrs. signed Thomas Mofford
Wit: Robert Jones, Robert Haughton
Proved 13 Jan 1718
The fact that Thomas Mofford owned 13.5 acres of land and that he had purchased an additional ten acres from Dr. Frances Culpeper before his death is very significant. One can now speculate that Thomas was not an indentured slave or at least was not by the time of his death. In fact this branch of the Mofford family appears to be of the middle or upper class of the Island. Mostly likely "10 acre men - middle class farmers". The research is continuing.
Thomas's son John(2), aged 30 by 1736, and his wife Frances(2) (unknown maiden name), baptised their child Thomas(3) on December 26, 1736.
Ann Mofford, daughter of Thomas(1) and Frances(1), married John Goodwin (born St. Philip, Barbados 18 September 1698) on March 31, 1718.
On June 4, 1726 William Mofford(2) married Sarah Bowden at St. Philip Parish, Barbados.
And finally of the second generation Moffords all born from Thomas (1) and Frances(1), Mary Mofford(2) married Randal Clement at St. Michael Parish on May 9, 1761.
John(2) and Francis(2) had two boys, Thomas(3) born December 26, 1736 and another John(3) born June 25, 1737.
John(3) married Elizabeth (unknown surname) and had two sons and a daughter: John Gittens Mofford(4), baptised on April 4, 1768. William Marshall Mofford(4) born December 24, 1768 and a daughter Mary Mofford born October 6, 1769.
John Gittens Mofford(4) married Mary Marshall(4) on December 20, 1787. They had a daughter, Elizabeth Mofford(5) born October 6, 1794.
William Marshall Mofford(4) married Jane Edghill on January 28, 1790 and had three children: John William Mofford(5) on 28 July 1789 - noted as illegitimet; Mary Elizabeth Mofford(5) born November 7, 1790 and Marian Mofford(5) born October 20, 1796.
And finally Thomas Mofford(3?) married Martha (unknown surname) in St. Michael Parish and had three children: Sarah Ann Mofford(5) born August 3, 1796, John William Mofford(5) 22 November 1797 and Mary Mofford(5) born February 20, 1800.
I am contiuing to research information that will connect these earlier Moffords with our know branch of the family in Barbados. I feel that these Moffords are our ancestors and the origins of our branch of the family.
Our known roots for this branch of the Mofford family start with Frank Mofford, most likely born circa early 1840's, a farmer who married Sarah Gibson circa 1868. Finding the parents of Frank Mofford would bridge the gap between know relatives and the early Moffords of Barbados.
So far we know that they had five(?) sons: Robert Adolphus Mofford (Adolphus) born 1868 in Barbados, Bertram (spelling?), Joseph, Donald, and Charlie
Adolphus married Clara Euphemia Beatrice Bradshaw. Clara was born on May 24, 1873.
Bertam Mofford married, (unknown wife) and had at least one son. "Edmund had nine sons and a daughter: Edmond, Wilton, Lyle (Leon), Ryan, Cornileus (Con), Eric, Beltram (Benty), Sigismund (Rogi),
Kelvin (Boney) and daughter Azlear (Azlin). Edmund also had an
illegitimate child, Aurthur Mofford, who with his family now live in Trinidad. Edumund also had a relationship, out of wedlock, with Alice Bradshaw and had a son Sanford, who kept the Bradshaw name.
Charlie had two sons, Oswald and Dudley, and two or three daughters, one of whom was Obline.
"My name is Kay Mofford, my father is Starkie Mofford (one of 6 - Leroy, Donald, Margaret, Josephine, Clarence). My grandfather is Namon Mofford (brother of Jacob, Minnie). He came to the UK from St. Vincent in the 1950s. His father was Donald Mofford. Grandad used to speak about uncle Charlie and uncle Bertram, and so we think we might be the descending line of Donald (son of Frank and Sarah).
My email address is"
Adolphus and Clara moved from Barbados to St. Vincent but why and when can only be guessed. It had to be before 1894 as their first son, Cuthbert Lawrence Mofford (my grandfather) was born in St.Vincent in April of 1894. Facts regarding this will be forthcoming but speculation has it that Barbados suffered one of many economic down turns and opportunities were better elsewhere.
Adolphus and Clara had seven sons and one daughter: Cuthbert Lawrence (April 6, 1894), Keith Kenneth, Athol Brian - a twin Herman, who died as a child, Edjeston (Reginald), Wilfred, Alfred Mofford and Sybil Sabina Mofford, the youngest of the eight. Wilfred Mofford decided to stay in St. Vincent when the rest of the family moved to North America.
Cuthbert Lawrence (Bert), Edjeston (Reginald) and Keith Kenneth moved to St.John New Brunswick circa 1914 to enlist in the Canadian army to fight for the Empire in WW.I. Athol and Sybil moved to North America shortly afterwards.
Athol Brian Mofford married Emily Glodine Olton and they lived in Saint John, New Brunswick. He was a WW11 vetran, having served in the Saint John Fusilliers. Athol was a twin, his brother Herman died as a baby.
Glodine passed away on May 24th, 1959, and Athol passed away on February 11th, 1975.
Athol and Glodine had three children, Lorraine, Melvin, and Lynneth. MELVIN married Vangie (Lynch) on September 19, 1959. They have one daughter, Shelley Jean, who married Mark Chase on August 20th, 1988. They have one son, Benjamin, born May 31st, 1999. (This information is supplied by Vangie Mofford and received by me on January 29, 2000.)
LORRAINE married David Rogers on June 4th, 1960. They have three
children:(1) Brian Gordon, born September 27th, 1961. He married Angela (Brennan) on September 20th, 1986. They have one daughter, Cameron, born December 21, 1999. (2) Emily Krista, born May 12th, 1965. She married Claude Comeau on October 14th, 1989. They have two children - Emily Grace, born December 12th, 1994, and Zachary Joseph, born January 20th, 1998. (3) Wade Scott, born September 18th, 1966. He married Maureen (Jewis) on August 18th, 1990. They have two children - Rebecca Lynn, born August 17th, 1992, and Noah Brandon, born May 26th, 1998.
LYNNETH married Fred Maker on June 22, 1968. They have three children- (1) Cindy Lorraine, born September 3rd, 1971. She married Kevin Guthrie on September 12th, 1998. (2)Jeffery Nathan, born on September 6th, 1972. He married Lori Baxter on September 27th, 1997. They have no children as yet.(3) Lisa Diane, born January 12th, 1978. Lisa is still single.
Keith met and eventually married Elsie Blizzard in St. John, New Brunswick at dance that Reginald and Keith were attending. They had two sons and a daughter, Kenneth, Thomas, and Sybil. Kenneth married Thelma Stewart and had five children: Peggy, Janice, Richard (died in a car accident at age three), Lori and Jeffrey.
Reginald - named changed from West Indies, Edjeston, met and married Elizabeth Blizzard in her home town of St. John, New Brunswick in 1917. Elizabeth was a seamstress and sister to Elsie Blizzard.
Reginald and Elizabeth moved to a small rural town at that time named Randolph, just south of Boston, Mass. where they eventually had five children. Reggie, Donald Gordon, Arlene, Thomas, and Robert.
From here the Mofford clan really grew.
Thomas Mofford the son of Reginald and Elizabeth graduated from Tufs University where he met and married Juliet Haines. (Juliet Haines is quoted on page 2 Myths and Facts and is an excellent source of information regarding the Moffords in St. Vincent)Juliet Haines is from Iowa and has written a number of articles on various subjects. Thomas teaches English and I hope he forgives my poor spelling in this website.
Thomas and Juliet Mofford had three children: Eric, now 38, Lindsay, 35 and Lauren Elizabeth Mofford, 31. The latter who has furnished important information on this side of the family.
Donald Gordon Mofford had seven children of which Donald Frederick Mofford is the eldest and he still lives in the house his grandfather built in Randolph, Mass.
Cuthbert Lawrence grew up in St.Vincent. After his schooling there he went to work in the only library on the island.
In 1914 and at the age of twenty, C.L. decided to make his way to Canada to enlist in the Canadian army to fight in WWI.
Cuthbert, known as Bert, fought in the Second battle of Ypres in April 1915 where he suffered from a German gas attack and was sent to a hospital in Halifax to recover. In Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Bert met and fell in love with a nurse, Mary O'beline Sampson (Lower L'Ardoise, Cape Breton). They eventually settled in St.John, New Brunswick and built their dream home in East St.John in 1935. You can still see the house on First Street in East St. John from across the Bay of Fundy. It used to be painted bright pink but now who knows.
Sybil Mofford had an adopted daughter, Debby Mofford Fernades, now living in Florida. I was very pleased to receive an e-mail from her where she has supplied me with early (1919 - 1938) photographs of the Mofford's.
Larry Mofford, my father, was born in St.John, New Brunswick. He married Celina Jean Gallant, (born in Halifax, NS December 8, 1919) on May 26, 1939 in St. John, NB and eventually had four children: Robert Lawrence (Bob May 15, 1940), David Roy (Feb. 3, 1944), Lana O'Beline (October 1, 1948) and Glen Alan (January 23, 1954).
Wallace Mofford married Jackie in Longeuiel, Quebec on September 12, 1944. They had five children: Ray, Gary, Linda, Richard and Janet. Wally and Jackie lived in Longeuiel across the St. Lawrence river east from Montreal then eventually moved to Repentigny Quebec for many years before retiring to Florida. Wally died while visiting in Trinidad in November 1998.
Valerie married Donald Boudreau in August 1950 in East St. John and had six children(see Boudreau.)
Robert Lawrence Mofford served in the Canadian navy and was stationed in Dartmouth, NS. He married Elda Robertson and they has two children, Stephen and Katrina.
David Roy Mofford served in the Canadian Air Force and married Evelyn O'Toole,(born Miller).
Lana O'Beline Mofford (Fredricton, NB) married Victor Gregory Underwood (Victoria, BC) and had a son, Alan Andrew (Dec. 27, 1968, Victoria, BC)(Drew). Alan Andrew married Nicolle Wolfe and they had a daughter, Jessica Underwood born July 2000.
Glen Alan (1954, Victoria, BC) and partner Patricia (Patti) Mary Doherty (1958, Glasgow, Scotland) and is getting back to working on this family tree website.
Stephen Mofford married Karen Mcphee from Alberton, PEI. and have a daughter, Sarah Mofford.