Diane's Designs

Free Designs

Free Designs

Please feel free to download and stitch any or all of the designs in any way you choose, on items to keep, give as gifts, or to sell.  The rights of the designs themselves, however, remain with the designer and you may not transfer them to another party or sell them in any form.

Browse through these pictures.  If you see something you like, just click on it to download that file. The files are .pcd files and are in .zip format.  You will need an unzipping utility in order to use them.

Thanks for visiting my site.  I'd love to hear from you!


Bear with Balloon Hearts
  1. Purple - Flower Centers / Heart
  2. Pink - Flower Petals / Heart
  3. Gold - Hat
  4. Brown - Bear Body
  5. Dark Pink - Bow
  6. Off White - Face, Foot Pads
  7. Black - Outline

  1. Pink - Face and Feet
  2. White - Body
  3. Burgandy - Collar
  4. Gold - Bell
  5. Brown or Black - Outline

  1. Red
  2. Silver or White
  3. Blue

  1. Brown
  2. Green
  3. Red

Add your favorite hunter's initials to the circle center.

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