Russ was career changed on March 17, 1999. Welcome home puppy we love you.
Puppy Raisers
by Jen Gerard for Russ "The Buss" and the members of Freedom In Sight

We are puppy raisers.
We come from many walks of life.
We are young and old.
We have a deep love of animals.
We are willing to serve.
We hope to raise puppies for the visually impaired.
We take pups into our hearts and homes at about 8 weeks of age.
We love them.
We nurture them for 12 to 14 months.
We comfort them.
We do all we can to protect their health.
We groom them.
We let them sleep on the floor next to our beds.
We crate train them.
We teach them obedience.
We take them with us nearly everywhere we go.
We encourage our puppies.
We help our puppies overcome their fears when faced with the unknown.
We plan vacations to accomodate them.
We buy kongs, tug toys and nylabones for them.
We raise our puppies in accordance with GDB standards.
We make sure that they receive quality veterinary care.
We read and study the Puppy Raising Manual.
We take the time to share our experiences, and passion for these puppies with the public.
We educate the public and make inroads for the program to have success, and access.
We are sometimes turned away from a restaurant or an event.
We always remember that we represent Guide Dogs For The Blind, Inc.
We respect our puppies and hold them in high regard.
We attend meetings and activities at our own expense for the well being of the puppies.
We often drive for several hours to attend guide dog activities to benefit our pups.
We let our puppies go for "puppysitting" within our groups.
We sometimes let our pups go for a time to be evaluated.
We sometimes have to transfer our pups for their well being.
We set our feelings aside and give our puppies back to GDB for training.
We hear someone say "I could never give the puppy back; I would love it too much!"
We grieve and feel an incredible sense of loss when our puppies are recalled.
We try to remember why we raised a pup just to say "good-bye."
We feel sad when our pups are career changed.
We feel glad to know they are coming home.
We rejoice when they make it to class.
We share the joy with the graduate and their families.
We can say good-bye now.
We have loved well.
We are puppy raisers.

Take it to the top

Freedom In Sight Current Pups

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This Puppyraiser/Service Dog Ring site is owned by Jennifer Gerard.

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