February 17, 2003
Where does the time go?? Okay, that's
strictly a rhetorical question. I know
where the time goes. It's eaten up by
Band practice, and open house visits, and
driver training...and proms and football
games and EVERYthing!
April 15, 2003
The year hasn't been kind to us so far.
And I must admit I'm rather startled by
the date of that last entry. Three days
later, Wayne had crashed the truck into
the back end of another pick up, turned into
'Rainman' and spent three days in the
hospital. They never did figure out what
exactly happened to him. Best guess was
that he had a seizure or a stroke. But
nothing could be determined. I do know
that on Saturday morning (after a VERY long
night of trying to keep him in bed and
attached to all the monitors) the hospital
drew blood and got a *29* reading on his
blood glucose. Now, if I've learned anything
from dealing with Mom, it's what those glucose
numbers mean. And trust me, 29 is WAY too low!
So, now Wayne is testing his blood sugar every
morning. We've finally got the truck back, but
he's not supposed to drive it until August. He's
been more grumpy and moody than ever before.
But I guess it's understandable. He's not working
and he's not even looking for work. There is a
Social Security appointment to start the necessary
paperwork for a disability claim. We hear that
the process can take up to a year. Jeeez.
On several brighter notes...we spent Christmas in
San Antonio seeing ReeRee graduate from Basic
Training. (Margaret was at Wilford Hall being
treated for depression...more on that in a few lines)
Ree's one request was that Wayne wear his dress blues
to the graduation. Since he'd been doing the whole
diet routine, the uniform fit and looked great. He
was saluted so many times. I guess the kids were
intimidated by the older insignias. The uniform has
changed a little bit. And they do say, "when in doubt,
So, ReeRee is ensconced at Sheppard AFB in Wichita
Falls, TX...learning everything there is to learn
about the jet propulsion configurations of the
F15, F16 and F100. Back to the first week in January.
Margaret calls. She's back in South Dakota by now,
and calling to tell us that she's going to get
married "next weekend" Holy Cow! Road trip! Michelle's
Christmas present was a trip back to visit Frank (an
eye-opening trip as I recall) so Martha, Wayne and I
started planning. Luckily we has an extra week that
we weren't originally aware of. I got the dates
wrong (or she was kind vague *shrug*) We had time to
find dresses for Michelle and Martha to wear as
bridesmaids. Time to get everything the blushing
bride needs for a nice little wedding. We even packed
certain 'California' foods back with us...things like
California cheese and strawberries...tangerines...
even a little bit of Wisconsin cheese - in honor of
Doug's roots. I made silk flower bouquets and
a little flower for Justin to wear (he was the 'honorary
best man' and sat in the front pew with us) Took back
wine and paper goods, trays and platters, anything we
thought we might have trouble finding in SD in January.
Friday afternoon found the womenfolk shopping. Combing
the Mall (whoohoo!!) for a wedding dress (which I found)
shoes, the unity candle, we'd already found the veil here
in Roseville. Margaret and I shopped for food on Saturday
morning...and picked up a gorgeous wedding cake...and by
Saturday night...Margaret Elizabeth Stone became
Margaret Elizabeth Falde...Mrs. Doug Falde.
Doug made a comment about how they really hadn't expected
all the fuss and bother. (He was looking at the tables
of food) Margaret said it was her fault...she'd given
her mom (me!) more than a week's notice! ~laughing~ that
still cracks me up!
The other big news from MArgaret is that she is going
to make us grandparents. I'm going to be a Grandmother.
I can hardly wait! The baby is due toward the end of
August - a very good time for a birthday! So maybe
baby Falde and I will share a date?! We just recently
found out that baby Falde is a boy. Doug is thrilled.
Margaret is going to have to learn a whole new language!
Martha and Michelle are both back in school at Sierra
College. I'm so glad Martha is sticking with it...and
dragging Michelle along with her. They just don't
realize at this age how important a college education
actually is! And really, if I were being honest...I'd
go back and finish my degree. No more distractions of
babies...well....come August I guess that is going to
change. However....
So, ReeRee will be home for about 2 weeks in early May.
Then she leaves for her duty station in Virginia. She's
going to be stationed at Langley AFB. Meanwhile, because
of the episode of depression, Margaret is being given an
administrative discharge. In six months, she can apply
for an upgrade to 'honorable' and if she so choooses, can
re-enlist. Accoridng to her (right now) she's planning
on doing exactly that. We'll see. Babies have a way of
changing the best laid plans...as we know from personal
Enough for now. I've probably forgotten a few of the
highlights and lowlights. I'll fill them in as I go
along. Right now, the living room is full of kids
watching a movie...and it's about 1am. Typically, I'm
still awake and on the 'puter.
Some things never change.